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June j j , 1979 <br />with NSP on the general lighting needed in this area. Mr. McLean said the Planning <br />and Zoning is working on this matter as part of the overall Comprehensive Land Use <br />Plan in order to provide consistency in the City Lighting program. <br />265 <br />The needed light on the corner of County Road 14 and 84 was discussed. Mr. McLean <br />moved that both these ma+ters be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning for recommendation <br />Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion declared passed. <br />Mayor Karth reported on the trash pickup just completed, itemizing the <br />cost. The general consensus of the Council was this had been a good thing. <br />The Public Hearing on the plat Shenandoah III was called to order at 9:00 <br />P.M. Mr. Locher read the notice of legal publication. The suggested area <br />of ponding that will be presented to the Rice Creek Watershed Board on <br />June 27, 1979 was discussed briefly. Also the requirements of the Anoka <br />County Highway Department in their upgrading of Birch Street. Mr. McLean <br />moved to approve the Shenandoah III plat subject to reports from RCWB and <br />DNR and the Anoka Higeway Department. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean moved to close the hearing at 9:07 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Zelinka presented the actions of the Park Board. In view of the fat <br />that he was out of town and could not attend the meeting, Mr. Zelinka <br />asked Mr. Liljedahl to present this report. <br />Mrs. Liljedahl reported on the special meeting held earlier this evening <br />on the four season building they are proposeing to be constructed at the <br />City Hall Park. This is a walk out, two story structure, expandable with <br />a rough estimate on construction of $60,000.00/$70,000.00. The use of a <br />solar heating system has been discussed. Mr. Larry Crouse, a member of <br />the Park Board has agreed to assist the City in applying for a grant. How- <br />ever, if a grant is applied for for this building, the construction will <br />have to be delayed until next year, and the Park Board would prefer to <br />start on this as soon as possible. <br />The very rough preliminary plans were discussed with Mrs. Liljedahl saying <br />that with Mr. Mobley's assistance, these plans could be completed for under <br />$1,000.00. The person who would do the drawings is not a registered <br />acrhitect, but the plans could be certified by Mr. Gotwald. The fee for a <br />registered architect is usually 10% of the cost, which in this case could <br />run as high as $7,000.00. The Park Board is asking the Council to consider <br />the construction of this building. <br />Mr. McLean asked what the uses would be and who would use the building? <br />Mrs. Liljedahl said the lower level would be used as a warming house, the <br />LARA, Scouts, Lions, J.C. all could use part of this building for meetings. <br />She felt the school facilites are over used and over crowded and there is <br />a definite need for such a building in this City. <br />Mr. Zelinka explained that Mr. Crouse works with the grants program and <br />has agreed to assist the staff and park board members in applying for a <br />grant for the use in the park system at $16.00 per hour. <br />Mr. McLean moved to authorize the expenditure of up to $1200.00 for build- <br />ing plans and Mr. Crouse to assist in writing the grant application to be <br />taken from the dedicated park funds, plans to be reviewed by Mr. Gotwald. <br />Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion declared passed. <br />