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08/14/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/14/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />8/14/72 <br />17 <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that any drainage could be taken care of by directing it to <br />a pond and treating it with chlorine; he would recommend this if the State requires <br />it, but not at this time since we don't know yet what the operation will be. If <br />they need one in the future, Mr. Kind will have to put one in. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if there was a section line that runs through the property; <br />Mr. Gotwald said No. Mr. Jaworski asked if Mr. King would mind if a limit on the <br />number of shows was put in the permit; it was noted that this was written into the <br />notice. <br />someone in the audience asked what Lino was going to do about the extra dust caused <br />by the increased traffic noting that the road was better since it was fixed last <br />year. Mr. 7elinka stated, that you can't control the traffic on a public road. It <br />was noted that 80th St. is terrible. Mr. Jaworski said he will check. Mr. Marier <br />said that 24th ^venue is shared by both Hugo and Lino; Mr. Jaworski is involved <br />in talks with Hugo on maintenance and will attend their next meeting. Mr. King <br />stated that the stable would not add a lot of traffic, maybe only 6 cars per <br />week as he owns 6 of the 18 horses, and most other, owners own two or mae horses; <br />also several riders come together. <br />Mr. Marier moved to grant a special use permit to Thomas M. King to allow him <br />to operate a stable for the keeping, rearing, showing borading and instruction <br />of horses, and to construct and maintain necessary buildings and facilities thereof, <br />on certain lands situated in the Village of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota, <br />and which are described as follows, to -wit: The E1 /2 of the NN 1/4 of the NF 1/4 <br />and the NE 1/4 of NF 1/4 of Section 12, Township 31, Range 22, AnokaCounty, Minn., <br />with the stipulations as set forth by the Engineer, the Planner and the Anoka <br />County Health Department. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Marier suggested that Mr. King appear before tre P &7 with his plans of the <br />structure for their input on the construction of the building. He felt this could be <br />put on the P & Z agenda between 8:15 and 8:30 P. M. as they have a light agenda. <br />Mr. King would not need to attend the Wednesday meeting, but could if he so <br />wished -- Mr. Marier would explain his plans to them. <br />Clerk asked if it would be necessary for Mr. King to have a percolation test <br />done before issuance of the building permit for the stable. Council felt the <br />pert test should be taken now even though the small room for sanitary facilities <br />would be built later. Mr. Cardinal moed to close the hearing at 8 :56 P. M. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />someone in the audience noted that the chloride which was put on 24th wasn't <br />doing any good as only a small stream was put down the middle of the road, and then <br />the grader scraped it off. Mr. Jaworski said he would order more chloride. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that the seal- coating is done on the streets authorized; <br />however there is a problem on Ware Road which Mr. Gotwald will check out -- there <br />was more sugar sand than gravel so the job took more oil than expected, and he <br />thought we should see if the job is all right. Mr. Marier asked if we don't have <br />an ordiance on damage done to roads. Mr. Jaworski said Yes, but he didn't feel the <br />damage was from hauling. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked Mr. Gotwald if he had the estimate on 64th and Aqua; Mr. Gotwald <br />said he had the figures on the amounts of material needed, and we could figure the <br />cost from the rates we had on the other roads. <br />
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