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08/28/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/28/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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24 <br />8/28/72 <br />There was no quorum of either group, but movies were shown of the heron rookery. He <br />noted that two letters had been submitted for a working park proposal. The working <br />group has completed their map and is ready to present it to the Park Board and <br />Environmental Commission. A special meeting has been set for September 13th at 8:00 <br />P. M. for the three groups, and members will be notified. The plan will then come <br />for Council approval and a public hearing. <br />Mr. Marier said it had come to his attention that the Park Board has a hard time <br />getting quorums for their meetings and suggested that letters be sent to members as <br />to their intent. Mr. Cardinal stated that he had tried calling members before meetings <br />but it didn't help. The Clerk was instructed to write the Park Board members asking <br />their intentions, and asking them to reply within 10 days. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that copies of the Watershed regulations were received, and <br />noted that if we don't have a comprehensive sewer plan we will have to get one done <br />by the Engineer. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Locher if he had the deeds from Mrs. Wilhelmy. Mr. Locher said <br />he did not, but he had the draft of an agreement from her attorney, which he read, which <br />would give her a quit claim deed. Mr. Locher explained which trees would have to be <br />removed, the fence replacement and the road easements. <br />Mr. Marier stated that it was his understanding that we would start construction of <br />Peltier, Pine and Holly in August. There are only two months left in the construction <br />schedule. When he brought this up at the last meeting he was told that we were on <br />schedule. Mr. Marier moved that we direct the Road Department to concentrate on Peltier, <br />Pine and Holly with work to be done in the next few days if possible, and to get back <br />on schedule. ,Seconded by Mr. ''elinka. Carried. <br />Mr. Marier nod that we have waited two months for input on the negotiations with <br />Hugo on 34th Avenue. Clerk stated that Mr. Jaowrski was to have met with Hugo <br />representatives at 6:00 P. M. today. Mr. Bohjanen said this should be left for the <br />next meeting. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that he thought they were having difficulties on Ware Road, and it was <br />to be rolled. Mr. Marier felt we should not pay the bill until he was finished. Clerk <br />said the bill had just arrived. Mr. Bohjanen said to hold. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the last P && meeting, congratulating its members for their <br />attendance which has been outstanding. He stated that Mrs. Morehouse had again re- <br />quested the extension of 79th Street. She was asked to seek advice from someone as to <br />which way she wants to develop her property, and to bring some definite plans the next <br />time she appears. <br />Jack Menkveld had questioned the use of two parcels of land and asked about trailer <br />courts. He was reminded of what had happened the last time this came up. He was <br />advised of the proposed R -4 use of the parcels except for the 300' commercial strip <br />along Highway 8. It had been suggested that he buy the present Baldwin Lake Mobile <br />Home Court and develop that. <br />Mr. Marier moved to grant Francis Burque a variance to Ordinance 21A on the recommendation <br />of the PO, on property described as follows: <br />The North 160 feet of the ,South 355.5 feet of the West 183 feet of the <br />Southwest r'uarter (SW 1/4) of Section 25, T31, R22, Anoka County, Minnesota <br />Subject to County Road 54. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mr. Locher noted that the deed stated that the <br />property was subject to a utilities easement. <br />Mr. Marier reported that the question of certification of our sign code had been <br />brought up again, and asked W. Locher how it was coming. Mr. Locher said he had <br />
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