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64 <br />11 -13 -72 <br />Mr. McMurchie said the full time men would be supplemented by Auxiliary men who would be the <br />the second man in the car and would be there just to assist the officer. <br />Mr. Marier wanted to know where the home office would be, and who would be in charge. <br />1 <br />Mr. McMurchie said there would have to be a building, either rented or bui It, for the <br />force and would probably be some where around where our Old Village Hall was as this is <br />near the Center of the 4 Villages. He said that this force would have to be sent up by one <br />Village and the other Villages would then contract for their Police coverage from them. The <br />Police Chief would be the man in charge and would answer to a Police Commission set up <br />by the 4 Villages. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if he was suggesting that we would save money by going this route. <br />Mr. Murchie said, No, that all the Polices Forces are behind times and in order to bring <br />them up to date it is going to cost the Villages money and there is no way to avoid it <br />whether we go it alone or as a combined force. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said that the meeting scheduled for the 14th is open and all Councilmen are <br />urged to come. Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Myhre wi I I be there, Mr. Marier said he would like <br />to attend. Mr. Zelinka has a previous meeting and Mr. Jaworski said he would try to make <br />the meeting. Mr. Bohjanen thanked Mr. McMurchie for his time and presentation. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that he had a member for the aPark Board. He would like to submit <br />the name of Mr. James McGeary for consideration by the Council. After discussion, Mr. <br />Bohjanen moved to appoint Mr. James McGeary to the Park Board. Seocnded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. McGeary informing him of the <br />appointment and the date of the Next Park Board meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had received two bids for the work on 64th Street and Mr. <br />Backlin, as per instructions, had taken the lowest bid and proceeded with the work. We <br />have received one bid for the removal of the stumps on Peltier Lake Drive. Mr. Zelinka <br />moved to modify the motion in the October 24, 1972 minutes and remove the last sentence <br />stating, ' it was also suggested that a performance bond be posted.' Seconded by Mr. <br />Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked about a snowmobile sales and service being conducted from a garage on Main <br />Street in a residential area. There is also a sign that has no permit. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to have the Clerk write a letter to this owner and inform him that his operation is illegal <br />and that he must either remove the sign or obtain a permit. Mr. Marier seconded. Carried. <br />There is alos a sporting goods operation on Ware Road being conducted from a garage and <br />the Clerk is to write a letter to them also. <br />Mr. Marier had no report from the P& Z Board. He said he would like to discuss the Federal <br />Revenue Sharing but would leave that for new business. Metro had asked Anoka to present <br />their Park Proposal and we should get our input to them as soon as possible. He asked about <br />the maps and was told that we have fifty copies of both the Village proposal and the County's <br />The Clerk is working on a mailing list and should have it completed by the end of the week. <br />A Copy of each map and a notice of the meeting is to be sent to all people who have lands <br />involved in this plan. Mr. Zelinka moved to set up an Open Space Meeting for November <br />28, 1972 at 8:00 P. M. at the Village Hall for all people are to be notified. Mr. <br />Jaworski seconded. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported there were no meetings of the Enviromental Commission or the Personnel <br />Commission. The Personnel Commission is down to one member, he had a couple of prospects <br />and Mr. Bohjanen added the name of Curt Kramer. Mr. Zelinka suggested someone from a <br />different area such as Chomonix. Mr. Marier suggested Mr. Johnson. He also reported <br />