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01/22/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/22/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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90 <br />on the guard shacks that could be used for a warming house at the Hall Rink. <br />There was discussion on the type of bathrooms that could be installed at the Baldwin <br />Lake area and the need for a well there. There was also the problem of our one <br />year at a time lease with the St. Paul Water Department. Mr. Marier thought we should <br />have more security before we invest too much money in buildings at that location. <br />There was discussion on the entrance to the property and the need for signs to advertise <br />that the park is available for public use. There was also discussion on the need for a <br />curfew and how this could be enforced. The Clerk was asked to check and find out when <br />the lease is up for renewal. <br />Mr. Marier moved to have the Park`Board meet with Mr. Hamblin before we get a cost <br />figure for the building to discuss the lease. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. CArried. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported to Mr. Jaworski that the jack was no longer available. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that he had several requests for signs along Sunrise near the <br />Park area cautioning people of the need to watch out for children in that area, also <br />along Highway 8 near the Lino Park. The Council asked that Mr. Backlin check into the <br />type of signs available and the cost. There is also the possibility that we may have <br />some signs in the building. Mr. Backlin was asked to check on this also. Mr. Backlin <br />said he also had a request for a 4 way stop sign at the intersection of Sunrise and <br />Glenview. There was discussion on this corner with the suggestion of a "Caution, <br />Blind Corner" but not a stop sign. Mr. Jaworski will check this intersection and report <br />back to the Council. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that Mr. Backlin had checked with Forest Lake School District <br />on the stand pipe and hoses needed with the tanker and the complete unit was available <br />for $88.00. Mr. Bohjanen reported that Mr. Backlin had called him before the meeting <br />to tell him that Mr. Gotwald was working on the valves and switches needed to utilize <br />the lift station. <br />1 <br />Mr. Marier said that he had some questions from taxpayers concerning the tanker. He had <br />been asked if the Village would pump sewage from private systems since it is their money <br />that paid for the truck and trailer. Mr. Jaworski answered that we are pumping a municipal <br />system not private systems. Mr. Locher said that even though the monies used to pay for <br />this rig came from the general fund that in the future this system will be self supporting <br />ans this amount will be put back in the general fund. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported that the Personnel Commission will be meeting some time this week <br />to start interviews for the Part Time Policeman's position. Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Myhre <br />have gone through the app;ications and broke them down into catagories for the Commission <br />to take a look at. <br />Also, there is a need for a second man to cover the overlapping time necessary to take <br />care of the well and see to the pumping. Mr. Zelinka stated that the commission could <br />start looking for a second man by direction of the Council. It was suggested that the <br />Commission interview the men we already have applications from. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the hiring of a second man would cut back on the payroll? Mr. Zelinka <br />III <br />said that this was his understanding. With more full time help the necessity of part <br />time help would be cut way back. <br />Mr. Marier suggested naming the people who would be cut from the payroll. Mr. Jaworski <br />thought is was too soon to start naming names. We should have more solid plans. Mr. <br />Jaworski also thought with two full time men, there would be very little need for any <br />part time help. <br />
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