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02/12/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/12/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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February 12, 1973 <br />Mr. Zelinka arrived at 8:10 P. M. <br />IIIMr. Gurtin said that most of the guidelines are set by the PCA, especially in the <br />area of burning garbage, dumps and old cars. He also said that the Fire Department should be <br />notified when a burning permit is issued. He suggested the burning permits be issued from <br />the Village Hall during the weekdays and from the Fire Marshall in the evening and on <br />weekends. The regulations of the hours should be left to the discretion of the Fire Marshall. <br />The Clerk was instructed to write the Fire Marshal ►s informing of this change in procedure. <br />At 8:25 P.M., Mr. Robert Emery appeared before the Council to request a building permit for <br />Lot 9 of Golden's Rice Lake Terrace. His plans are to erect an Abel System Steel Bui Idi ng <br />to be used for the restoration of Antique Cars. Mr. Marier read the recommendation of the <br />P &Z Board as follows: Easement for roadway to be changed from 25' to 30', the building to <br />be set back 30' from the road easement, the lot to be seeded with perennial grass seeds <br />immediately, one year to install black top driveway, there is to be no outside storage <br />but, if in the future such storage is necessary, there must be within 3 years a chain link <br />fence with fiber glass strips. Mr. Marier moved to recommend approval by the Council. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Fogerty of the Imperial Leaee Company appeared to explain the leasing of Patrol Cars. <br />He gave the following schedule of rates: <br />Car A <br />Car B <br />6 Mo. 12 Mo. <br />250.00 210.00 <br />220.00 210.00 <br />18 Mo. <br />215.00 <br />180.00 <br />24 Mo. <br />180.00 <br />36 Mo. <br />145.00 <br />150.00 127.00 <br />IIIThere was much discussion on the pros and cons of leasing a Patrol Car and the types of <br />leases available. Mr. Fogerty will send copies of the lease for the Council to check <br />over. Mr. Fogerty was asked about the makes of automobiles available for lease. He said <br />he had Fords, Chevorlets & Plymouths. He would recommend Plymouths. They had had better <br />performance from that make, and they seem to hold up better. This matter was tabled until <br />the lease forms arrive and the Council has time to check them over. <br />Mr. Marier moved to accept the minutes of the January 22, 1973 meeting as written. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />The Clerk reported on a meeting of Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers to be held in <br />Minneapolis in March. She also reported on the charges and rates for a change in the <br />telephone system for the Village Hall. The only problem being that the consecutive numbers <br />are unavailable, making it necessary to either dial each number separately or to change our <br />number. Mr. Marier thought that we would keep the two numbers we now have and have them <br />both come in on the same pbone. Hw gill check and call the office. Mr. Zelinka moved that <br />the expanded phone system be installed providing we can keep our present numbers. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Munson, of Lexington appeared to discuss the Fire Contract with the Village of <br />Lexington. He explained the new valuation system and how the figure was arrived at. The <br />Cost for 1973 will be $5,547.00 - about $900.00 more than 1972. This is due to our increase <br />in valuation. The Village of Lexington is planning an expansion to their fire barn. They <br />would also like to sit down with the Council and negotiate a 5 year or possibily a 10 year <br />IIIcontract to avoid this yearly renewal. The Council was agreeable to this. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the Fire Contract with Lexington. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Motion carried. <br />
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