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02/12/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/12/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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94 <br />February 12, 1973 <br />Mayor Munson said that 42% of their fire calls are in the Village o f Lino Lakes and <br />their budget reflects the fact that our cost is near the 42% mark. He suggested a <br />committee to discuss this longer contract. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported on the Open Space Hearing scheduled for March 1, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. <br />in the Metro Square Building. Mr. Marier said it was felt by members of the Legislature <br />that we should have someone there to present our side of the problem. Mr. Bohjanen <br />asked if anyone was free that evening. <br />1 <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he still did not have the second bid for a warming house and that <br />he is still checking on the Guard Shacks from the Arsenal. The ice is in good shape <br />considering the adverse weather conditions. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he had an inquiry about a soft ball team that would be <br />sponsored by a local business man but the players would not be from our Village, would <br />there be a charge for them to use our ball diamonds The consensus of the Council -was that <br />there should be no charge since they would be sponsored by a local man. The clean up of the <br />area should be their responsibility and if not taken care of then there would be a charge <br />for that service. <br />Mr. Marier suggested that Mr. Cardinal contact the business man and tell him the feelings <br />of the Council. <br />Mr. Cardinal also reported that the Rice Creek watershed District wi II hold an open <br />meeting on the Lexington Avenue Landfill at the Centerville School on March 8, 1973, at <br />7:30 P. M. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked if the plan was still in Marsham Lake. Mr. Myhre said that he didn't III <br />know. Mr. Zelinka said it was still there. The Clerk was instructed to contact the <br />owner and inform him that the plane must be removed. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the road bids had been advertised. Mr. Gotwald said he woudl discuss <br />this in his report. <br />Mr. Marier reminded the members that there wi I I be a special m -eting on Saturday, February <br />17, at his home in connection with the Open Space Meeting. Mr. Glenn Rehbein was asked if <br />he had been contacted yet? He said that he would be out of town on Saturday and was therefore <br />meeting with Mr. Torkildson on Wednesday of this week. <br />Mr. Zelinka presented the two applicants that the Personnel Commission recommended for <br />consideration. Mr. Salvatore Costa and Mr. Gary Paul Dold. <br />Mr. Myhre recommended hiring both, thus bringing our part time force to 6 men. He thought <br />this would enable him to lower the hours presently being put in by the men on the force. He <br />agreed with the recommendation of the Personnel Commission. Mr. Myhre thought that he would <br />work out a schedule whereby the Parrol Cars would not be taken out of the Village at night - <br />all calls after hours would probably be handled by Mr. Myhre. He was asked where these men <br />lived and how long it would take them to get tot the Hall. Mr. Costa lives near the <br />intersection of Main Street and Highway 65 and is about 10 minutes away. Mr. Dold lives <br />near Highway 65 and University and is about 13 minutes away. Mr. Zelinka moved to accpet <br />the recommendation to hire these two men. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Myhre asked that Mr. Costa start on February 15, 1973, and Mr. Dold to start on <br />March 1, 1973 . This was agreeable with the Council. There was discussion on the Patrol <br />cars being taken out of the Village and the Council requested that the cars STAY in the <br />Village at night. Mr. Marier said that this was his understanding that the hiring of two <br />
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