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04/23/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/23/1973 Council Minutes
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12/16/2014 11:34:44 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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April 23, 1973 <br />There was a report that the light on Sunset and Main Street is out as <br />is the one on Rondeau and Main. The Clerk is to call the electric com- <br />panies on these lights. <br />There had been ( -a call concerning the Park Bill. It will be heard on <br />Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. in room 118 at the State Capitol. Mr. Marier asked <br />the Clerk to read the bill and he explained the major objections; <br />I) the right of eminent domain; 2) the right of taxation 3) the right of <br />other counties to come and take the and if our Village does not develop <br />as soon as is required. There was discussion on this meeting with a <br />suggestion of writing a letter stating our position on this bill. Mr. <br />Marier felt .a letter would be fine but he also felt that some one should <br />be there. Mr. Locher s a i d he woul d attend, Mr. Ze I i nka w i l l TI-ry to post- <br />pone his trip in order to attend, and Mr. L'Allier will also be contacted. <br />Mr. Jaworski called Mr. L'AI I ier and he wi I I try to make the meeting. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize Mr. Locher to appear and testify for the <br />Village at the hearing on the Open Space Bill. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Motion carried. <br />Reported that the new type - writer is here and asked if the Council would <br />want to carry a maintenance contract. This was tabled until the next <br />meeting. <br />Reported that she had received a tax settlement from the County in the <br />amount of $6,168.95; had receive the Planned Use Report for the Federal <br />Revenue Sharing that must be filled out and returned by the 20th of June, <br />1973; the $100,000.00 in Treasury Bills had matured on April 12, 1973 <br />and she had reinvested the money; received a "Thank you" letter from Mr. <br />Resch concerning the use of the Ha l I for a meeting. <br />Mr. Wally Hill appeared to explain and answer question concerning the annual <br />audit of the Village finances. There was a question as to why the Police <br />Department was not separated from the general fund. After discussion, Mr. <br />Marier moved to separate the Police Department funds from the General Fund. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if Mr. Hill had had time to look over the reports <br />from the Circle Pines Utility on our gas system. Mr. Hill said, No, <br />that this was his busiest timebut most of the work was now completed <br />and he wi I I look into it. Mr. Zel inka moved to authorize Mr. Hi l l to pro- <br />ceed at his own direction. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the P &Z meeting on April 18, 1973. The layout of the <br />of the For -Jay greenhouses was discussed and explained that they had only <br />dealt with the portion for 1973. The 1974 project will be considered <br />at another time. Mr. Marier moved to approve the 1973 layout to include <br />buildings #12 through #20, a double garage and storage building, fencing on <br />the Old Highway #8 frontage, and screening on the North and South lines <br />with either basewood or green ash. Mr. Jaworski asked where our Ordinance <br />deals with Agriculture enterprises. He was told that this entire portion <br />is one commercial property thus does not create a problem. Mr. Jaworski <br />wondered why an operation needed a plat. Mr. Marier said this is not a <br />
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