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04/23/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/23/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />6 <br />Ap ri 123, 1973 <br />plat but I ayqut. Mr. Jaworski asked if this operation went beyond the <br />layout. Mr. Jaworski asked if this operation went beyond the commercial <br />zone, would it require more plans and re- zoning. <br />Mr. Marier said that would be dealt with at the time. There was dis- <br />cussion on whether or not there was a need for a bui I di ng permit for <br />the construction of these greenhouses. Mr. Zelinka said that they had <br />gone along with what they felt was the best for the Village and had obtained <br />building permits for all structures. Mr. Marier cal led for a vote on the <br />question. Motion carried with Mr. Zelinka abstaining. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the request from McDonald Ind. for permission to <br />erect a 500" two -way radio tower on Birch Street. The Board had felt <br />that his plans were not complete enough for them to pass on. They had <br />referred him to Mr. Gotwald for information as to the necessary plans. <br />The special hearing on the McDonald Inc. radio tower was called to order <br />at 9:45 P.M. Since the plans were incomplete, Mr. Cardinal moved to <br />continue the hearing until May 29, 1973 at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. <br />Zelinka. Motion carried. Mr. Marier added that WCCO has some interest <br />in this action and asked that they be notified of the hearing. <br />Mr. Ron Wi II iams appeared before the P &Z with plans for land leased from <br />Acton Construction. His plans were also incomplete and he was referred to <br />Mr. Gotwald for the necessary information. The Board also felt that Mr. <br />Paul Miller, the owner of the land should make the presentation. Mr. <br />Marier moved to recommend they appear at the next scheduled P &Z meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Saterlee was on the agenda asking for a variance to erect a garage <br />but it was discovered that a variance was not needed. <br />Mr. Marier presented the sign permit application from U.S. Lakes Dev- <br />elopment for the erection of a sign on Centervi Ile road and Co. Rd. "J ". <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the sign application for the corner of Co. Rd. <br />"J" and Centerville Road near the relay tower. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Motion carried. <br />The second application for the S.E. corner of Birch Street at Centerville <br />Road. There was discussion on this location and as to how far the sign <br />must be set back. Mr. Marier moved to approve the application for the Co. <br />Rd. 21 and Birch Street. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. This <br />sign must be 100' from the nearest residence. Mr. Dielentheis agreed <br />to this provision. <br />The P &Z had reviewed the tw9 applicartts for the position of planning con- <br />sultant for the Vi I lage and Mr. Marier moved to approve the recommendation <br />of the P &Z for the hiring of Mr. Lee Starr of Backman, Yoder and Stay. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported on a request for the use of Sunrise Park as a <br />campground for the Circle Pines Square Dancers in June of 1974 for their <br />Annual convention. They will furnish all necessary sanitary facilites. <br />They also will deposit $50.00 to insure clean -up of the area and would <br />ask that a member of the Park Board inspect it on Sunday evening to r mke <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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