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05/29/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/29/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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3 7 <br />May 29, 1973 <br />Mr. Locher read the puEil icatiQn and the rnainl inc9 l ist in connection with <br />this special hearing. Mr. Bohjanen asked of there were any objections <br />to this tower from anyone present. There was no one in the audience who <br />voiced any objections. <br />Mr. Mikelson, from WCCO, stated that all differrences between his orginaza- <br />tion and the MacDonald Industries had been worked out and they had no <br />objections to the tower. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to grant the special use permit for one 500' radio <br />tower to the MacDonald Industries per recommendations from the P &Z <br />Board. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked of WCCO sti I I intended to bui Id their tower? Mr. <br />Mikelson said this may be where they end up but at the present time, there <br />was nothing definite. <br />• <br />Mr. Marier asked if it would make a difference in the tax structure if <br />this land was not rezoned to commercial. The Clerk said the classification <br />of property for tax purposes is based on the usage of the land, not the <br />zoning. So it could bery well be zoned ag and classified as commercial <br />and assessed as such. <br />Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if this permit must be renewed or is it on a continuing <br />basis. Mr. Locher said there is no provision for renewal in our <br />Ordinance. Mr. Marier felt that there should be some follow upon all <br />special use permits. He moved that all special use permits be reviewed <br />every two years. Motion was seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal called for a vote on the original motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. MacDonald thanked the Council. Mr. Zelinka moved to close the hearing <br />at 9:15 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had met with Columbus conerning'Pine <br />Street. They felt that from 4th Avenue to Old Highway #8, they would <br />consider sharing the cost, but the portion beyond 4th Avenue, No, since <br />this is a dead end street and there are other parts of the township that <br />would object to money spect on this part of the Street. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that Pine Street should be a conty road and he had <br />requested Mr. Burman to attend this meeting. The Clerk had called his <br />office. He had a previous meeting but would send a representative. There <br />was no one in attendance from the County. Mr. Bob Morehouse, of Columbus <br />Township, felt that the County wanted no part of Pine Street. <br />The Council felt Anoka County had made some sort of an agreement in 1967 <br />or so to work with Washington County on 24th Avenue. The Clerk is to check <br />the files for information on this matter. She was also instructed to write <br />the Anoka County Commissioners asking them to assume the responsibility <br />for Pine Street and 24th Avenue. Mr. Morehouse said he would ask the <br />Clerk for Columbus Township to write and the Clerk is to contact Hugo for <br />
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