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07/23/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/23/1973 Council Minutes
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12/16/2014 1:15:49 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />July 23, 1973 <br />7911 Lake Drive and Mr. Fresonki just North of her. Mrs. Wood said her <br />husband is under a doctor's care for a nervous condition and cannot get <br />any sleep because of the dogs. She said that the party has a violent temper <br />and she was afraid to talk to her. Mrs. Wood had chose this way rather <br />than going to the Police. The Council said they would try to help and asked <br />the Clerk to contact Mr. Fleming. Mr. Locher said this would be covered under <br />our Nuisance Ordinance #32. <br />Mr. Clem Frazer was in the audience. He reported that he had been in court <br />in conjunction with the Leo Bruder case . He felt that the cooperation from <br />the Lino Lakes Police Department was complete they are doing the best they can <br />with what they have. Mr. Frazer said the Judge seemed to be over burdened <br />and he felt that more evidence should have been heard. <br />Mr. Locher said he thought that the Judge knew enough of this case from <br />previous experience that more evidence was not necessary. He said the <br />Judge gave Mr. Bruder 60 days to clean up the property. Mr. Locher said <br />the matter of the gasol ine tank is an entirely different violation and wi 11 <br />be handled separately. Mr. Locher asked Mr. Frazer to testify when this <br />matter comes before the Court. Mr. Frazer- said he would be glad to appear. <br />Mr-. Ze I i nka reported there had been no meeting of the Enviornmental Commi tte <br />or the Personnel Commission. He will schedule a meeting with the Personnel <br />Commission as soon as the information is avai lab le from the County on the <br />Fund Sharing program. <br />Mr. Locher asked if the Counci I had issued a permit to a Triple L Farms <br />to be used as a riding stables. The Council said, No. Mr. Locher had <br />received a complaint from the owner that two horses had been stolen. The <br />persons involved said they had permission to ride the horses the owner <br />said they didn't. Mr. Locher wi 11 handle this situation. <br />1' <br />He also reported on the effort to obtain property to extend Eva Street <br />from Orange to Maple. Mr. Hausladen owns one of the lots and is asking <br />$1250.00 for it. He only has a tax title and Mr. Locher said this would have <br />to be proven and could cost as much at $500.00. The other lot is owned by <br />Mr. Julkowski and he is asking $600.00 net, there are back taxes due on this <br />property. Mr. Jaworski suggested tabling this for a month. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to instruct Mr. Locher to offer Mr. Hausladen $650.00 <br />for his lot as is, with the Vi I lage assuming the cost of proving title. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Locher said he had a signed copy for the agreement with the Metro Sewer <br />Board and a letter from Mr. Dougherty, but he had left both in his office. <br />He asked if the Counci I wanted to consider Ordinance 57B dealing with the <br />col lection of the SAC. They asked that this be tabled until the agreement <br />and letter is available. This method of collection had been suggested by <br />MSB the Counci I requested Mr. Locher to explore othere methods of collecting <br />this money. <br />Mr. Lcoher reported on the request by the Minnesota Pipeline Company to <br />install the second line across the ViIlage property. The Council asked Mr. <br />Locher to contact this company and request that the area be defined and that <br />the area to be used by the company be limited to 50 feet. <br />
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