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02/25/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/25/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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February 25, 1974 <br />the track if they start considering these plans before the interceptor is <br />approved. Mr. Gotwals received a copy of this letter and he will take care of <br />the necessary details. Mr. Marier moved to table consideration of this permit. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Read a letter from the Department of Personnel, State of Minnesota concerning <br />the use of "Village or City" designation for Lino Lakes. If they do not hear <br />to the contrary within two weeks, the designation of "City" will be used. <br />Read a letter from Anoka Electric informing the Council of the installation <br />of a street light during the month of January. This light is located at the <br />intersection of 4th Avenue and Main Street. <br />Reported that $600.00 had been received from the Metro Sewer Board in payment <br />of the January hauling charges. <br />Mr. Marier presented his report from the Planning and Zoning Board meeting of Feb. <br />20, 1974. Mr. Wayne Herr had presented a preliminary plat consisting of 60 acres <br />• which he is proposing to split into tracts of 21 --5_& 10 acres parcels of land. <br />He proposed to use meets and bounds in the legal descriptions but the Planning <br />and Zoning requested, on the recommendation of Mr. Locher concurrace by Mr. Starr, <br />that he plat the land avoiding the long legal descriptions. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that with sewers so close, there could be a possibility of <br />problems with special assessments with the tracts so large. <br />Mr. Marier said the homes planned for in this area are in the upper cost bracket <br />and he felt that the owners would be well established people and special assess- <br />ments would not be a problem. <br />Mr. Bohjanen suggested that possibly the homes could be so placed on the Land <br />that the possibility of splitting the lots could be considered. <br />Mr. Marier said that the developers plans are to retain a rural atmosphere and he <br />felt that this is a well laid out plat. Mr. Herr will make the necessary adjust- <br />ments and retrun to the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />Mr. Harvey Molitor had requested a variance to add 18.5 feet of land to his present <br />parcel of land. This is to enlarge the now recorded parcel and when the transfer <br />is complete, the description will be rewritten so that the two parcel will be under <br />the same description. Mr. Molitor and the Planning and Zoning Board had discussed <br />the necessity of keeping the section line clear. Mr. Marier moved to approve the <br />Variance. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jerry Boyd appeared before the Planning and Zoning Board with the request to <br />park a house on Mr. Ernest Apitz's land (he has written permission from Mr. Apitz) <br />if it becomes necessary. He is in the process of buying land in Columbus Township <br />to move the house onto, but if some delay should accur, he would like to have the <br />arrangements made to have a place to put the house during road restrictions. He <br />doesn't anticipate any delay and if things go as planned, it will not become <br />necessary to park the home. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the permit following the Planning and Zoning Board's <br />recommendations as set forth. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried.. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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