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02/25/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/25/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />February 25, 1974 <br />Mr. Marier reported that the Planning and Zoning Board had set March 13, 1974 for <br />a Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. He asked Mr. Locher for the <br />proper procedure. <br />Mr. Locher read the laws governing the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. The <br />Planning and Zoning Board must hold a Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan. The Public Notice must be published once in the legal newspaper ten <br />days before the hearing. The Plan may be presented to the Council as a recommend- <br />ation from the P &Z Board but cannot be adopted by the Council until the hearing <br />is held, input from the Public is considered by the Planning and Zoning Board, <br />and revisions made accordingly if warranted. The Plan is then presented to the <br />Council with the recommendation of adoption by the Planning and Zoning Board. If <br />the Plan is not adopted and certified by the Council, it remains as just a recomm- <br />endation by the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />Mr. Marier moved to do so as stated. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Starr said the first step is to present this plan to the public, accept com- <br />ments from the people these comments would then be considered by the Planning and <br />Zoning Board and if found valid, incorporated into the plan before the plan is <br />presented to the Council for adoption. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked that the one point that should be made clear is that this is <br />not rezoning. That this plan is merely a guide to land use within the community. <br />Mr. McLean emphasizes that the Planning and Zoning Board will not move on any <br />rezoning unless specifically requested. <br />Mr. Starr repeated that this plan is to be used as just a guide and has nothing <br />to do with rezoning. This point will be made very clear. <br />Mr. Marier agreed with Mr. Jaworski. There are many people who feel that this is a <br />zoning map and the Board is well aware of this. The Board will make very sure that <br />the public understands that this is not a rezoning plan. Mr. Marier also felt that <br />Mr. Starr is very well informed in this area and well received and this plan should <br />present no problems. <br />Mr. Marier requested that the Council, Planning and Zoning Board, Planner and <br />Attorney ail be' -in attendance at the Public Hearing scheduled for March 13', 1974 <br />at 8:00 p.m.-at the City Hall. The Clerk was instructed to send reminder notices <br />to all. <br />Mr. Marier said that he had attended a house hearing on Thursday, February 21, 1974 <br />in connection with the Park Bill. He had offered two amendments to the Bill and <br />had been called out of order. He asked that the Clerk write a letter of "Thanks" <br />to Mr. Lombardi for his efforts in our behalf. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if these bills could be amended from the floor and Mr. Marier <br />said it could be but we would need, help. <br />Mr. Marier also reported on the bill establishing a moratorium on building permits <br />for 18 months begining July 1, 1974 unless the property is located on a sanitary <br />sewer line. Mr. Marier said that the Council should make some input as opposing <br />this bill. This would create a stalemate in construction in the outlying areas. <br />
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