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03/25/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/25/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />March 25, 1974 <br />Mr. Marier reported on the public hearing held by the Planning and Zoning Board <br />in conjunction with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Planning and Zoning <br />Board recommended approval of this plan. Mr. Marier asked if any one had any <br />questions. There were none and he moved to approve the, recommendation of the <br />Planning and Zoning Board. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the development of the land North of the Hall by Mr. Wayne <br />Herr. He is dividing the land into 21 acre to 5 acre plots. He had run into a <br />problem with the survey. His surveyor had been unable to find the monument on the <br />North East corner of the Northe East Quarter. He had presented the Board with <br />letters from Mr. Anderson and Mr. Ondahl stating that they would accept this <br />division of land and record the descriptions by meets and bounds. He had been <br />asked to submit copies for the next P &Z meeting. <br />The Board was to consider variances for the City of Lino Lakes and Luther <br />LeVessuer for the recording of the land involved in the realignment of Lino Park <br />lines. The Clerk did not have the legal descriptions, so this was tabled until <br />the April meeting. The Board emphazied that this delay should not interfere with <br />the installation of the fence as proposed by the Lion's Club. <br />Mr. Marier reported that Mr. Amundsen had brought in 30 signs that do not have <br />permits. The Clerk had been instructed to write these people, which she had done. <br />The concern of the Board was, if these signs are not paid for, what does the <br />City do about non - payment? Wh have an Ordinance covering all signs, but it is not <br />enforced. The Board felt that we should enforce this and other Ordinances and <br />back up our Inspectors. <br />For instance, the building at Skyline Auto Body was red tagged, but the operation <br />is still in existence. This building was supposed to have been torn down and <br />moved. <br />Also, Allan Robinson put up a building with no perk test and no building permit. <br />He has been given every opportunity and all the time in the world to comply with <br />these request and still nothing has been received at the Office. He still doesn't <br />have a permit for the sign in front of his building. Mr. Marier felt that we have <br />written enough letters, these people should be issued a citation and, if necessary <br />taken to Court. If we have laws, they should either be enforced or written off. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the Building.Inspector orrthe Police issue the citations? <br />Mr. Bohjanen said the warrant to go to court must be issued by the Police <br />Department. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt that if there is non- conformance to the law, then we might as <br />well not have it. Such as the licensing of dogs - either enforce the law and <br />require all dogs to be licensed or repeal the law and not require any licenses. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the City has been much too 1 ax in the enforcement of the <br />Ordinances now on the books and that this should cease and the violators prosecuted. <br />Mr. Bohjanen directed the Police Department to issue warrants to the offenders. <br />The Clerk is to give a list of names to the Police Chief. <br />
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