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04/22/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/22/1974 Council Minutes
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12/17/2014 12:36:58 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />April 22, 1974 <br />and that the land be platted by lot and block and not by metes and bounds. The <br />Board felt that in future years this could cause a problem. <br />Mr. Zelinka agreed. If the land is divided by metes and bounds, the future costs <br />to the City could be a problem. If the cost of the Survey is around the $2500.00 <br />figure named by Mr. Herr was a fair cost, then this would only amount to a little <br />over $100.00 per tract. This is small compared to the amount it would cost for an <br />individual to have his land surveyed. <br />Mr. Marier moved to write to Mr. Herr the approval of the plat with the following <br />stipulations. Mr. Herr conform to the Planner's and Engineer's recommendations as <br />to specifications for the street grades, the Planning and Zoning also recommended <br />that the North East corner be found by a proper survey and the land be recorded as <br />a plat and the descriptions be by lot and block not by metes and bounds. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Locher if the Open Space Agreement with the County had been <br />signed. Mr. Locher said, yes, it had been signed at the last meeting. Mr. Marier <br />asked that the Clerk make note of this in the minutes. <br />Mrs. Harriet Hill of Sunrise Avenue had made application for the storage of a <br />semi - trailer, unlicensed, to be used for storage. This will be sent to the Planning <br />and Zoning for consideration. <br />Mr. Jaworski presented the Council with a list of the Streets within the City with <br />recommendations as to the ones that will need repair this year. Mr. Jaworski has <br />planned to lease a Semen mixer, purchase the materials and do the work on the <br />streets with City personnel. Mr. Marier questioned how much was budgeted for this <br />work. Mr. Jaworski said "he wasn't certain of the exact figure but the bulk of the <br />money budgeted was for this work. He also reported that some work should be done <br />on Pine and 24th Avenue but felt that the work needed would be too costly for the <br />City to attempt this year. He felt that we should take care of the roads that were <br />oiled last year in order to keep the base we have and to improve what is already <br />there. <br />There was discussion on the proper method of dealing with the problem streets. The <br />general consensus of the Council was that Mr. Jaworski should consult with Mr. <br />Gotwald as to the best way to surface these streets, but it was generally felt that <br />some sort of a matt should be laid. <br />Mr. Jaworski will work this out with Mr. Gotwald and present the recommendations <br />at the next Council meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski had checked the trucks that Mr. Rehbein had mentioned at the last <br />Council meeting. There were some differences, a smaller engine, smaller tires, <br />the axle weight was less, standard transmission. Mr. Jaworski felt most of the <br />differences could be accepted. He wondered if the 361 c.u. engine would be adequate <br />for the amount of snow plowing that must be done by the city. <br />Mr. Rehbein said that this size engine had given better performance. There was <br />some problems with the larger engine. He thought the larger tires might cause <br />some problems but felt this could be checked with the companies. <br />Mr. Jaworski said that he would rewrite the specs and have them ready for the next <br />Council meeting. <br />
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