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05/09/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/09/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />}�� <br />May 9, 1974 <br />Mr. Burandt had no doubts that the area would grow and the growth would be guided <br />by the Metro Council. Mr. Jaworski felt that this was unconstitutional. No board <br />had the right to tell people where they can live. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if Mr. Gotwald, the City Engineer, had been consulted on any of <br />the six different studies that has been done. <br />Mr. Gotwald said that he had not been consulted. <br />Mr. Burandt said that Sewer Service District No. 2 would pay a heavy burden for <br />the cost of this interceptor. He discussed the reimbursement funds that are to be <br />used for the installation of this interceptor. He read from the minutes of June <br />10, 1971 where the Metro Council approved the Lino Lakes - Centerville interceptor <br />"In Concept ". Final approval depending on the ability of the two Cities to meet <br />certain requirements. These included a comprehensive sewer plan for Centerville, <br />and a comprehensive land use plan for Lino Lakes. These requirements have been met. <br />Centerville's comprehensive sewer plan was presented about a year ago and the Lino <br />Lakes Comprehensive Land Use Plan was approved in January of 1974. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked if the interceptor is going in and when. <br />Mr. Burandt said that he had finished his report in February 1974 and it is now in <br />Staff Committee. He would not discussed what his report had recommended. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if it wasn't possible that the City could have sewer tomorrow if <br />the City was paying for it? He also asked if one of the recommendations wasn't that <br />Centerville be serviced through Hugo and the line be brought to the Southern line <br />of Lino Lakes and then the City to install the interceptor through the City to the <br />needed areas? <br />Mr. Burandt said that Lino Lakes is to be complimented for the cooperation and <br />understanding which has been displayed in these discussions. This Council had done <br />a fine job. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan went through exceptionally fast. He <br />couldn't remember another plan being approved in such a short time. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said that we had understood that this should be done as soon as <br />possible, which was done. Now the City expected them to do the same. <br />Mr. Gotwald asked what was the hold up on the approval of the sewer plans? <br />Mr. Burandt said that at the present time he is working on an 83 million dollar <br />sludge problem. He has written his report and it is in the staff at the present <br />time. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if there was anyway the City could help to get this report out <br />of committee? Mr. Burandt thought perhaps a meeting would help. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Ray Payne of the Metro Sewer Board what the status of <br />the interceptor was in his office. <br />Mr. payne said that all they are waiting for is approval by the Metro Council. The <br />interceptor is to be installed with reimbursement funds. The Metro Sewer Board is <br />ready to move as soon as the Metro Council approves the system. When asked what <br />that means in time, Mr. Payne said 4 to 6 months to prepare plans and specifications <br />
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