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05/10/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/10/1971 Council Minutes
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The Clerk reported that the Board of Review hearing has been set for June 10 at <br />8 P.M. and that affidavitscf publication for the sewer and water projects ads <br />(for Lakes Add'n No. 2) had been received from the Forest, Lake Times and the <br />Construction Bulletin. <br />The Clerk noted that a document had been received from Brede, Inc. supposedly <br />showing access to the sign on I35W. Mr. Locher stated that the document was a <br />notice of lis pendens and shows no access for Brede. Mr. Bohjanen moved to send <br />the document back to Brede, Inc. and tell them that we need a form showing access. <br />Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Carried unanimously. <br />Sign permit renewal applications had been received from the following: <br />1. #l, 3, 6, 8, & 9 from Meyers Outdoor Advertising., <br />2. #17 from Western Outdoor Advertising. <br />3. #18, 21 & 22 from 3M National Advertising. <br />4. #20 & 24 from Brede, Inc. <br />Mr, Cardinal mentioned that there might be some discussion at the next P&Z about <br />the 3M signs on the Burque property along 135E due to some questions which have <br />arisen. Mr. Cardinal moved to send the Building Inspector to inspect these two <br />signs to seeif they come up to specifications. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Dupre that he must inspect <br />all new signs as to construction and placement; also that copies of this corres- <br />pondence should be sent to Mr. McLean and Mr. Cardinal. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to accept the renewal applications for the signs listed above <br />except for the 3M National signs which are to be inspected. Seconded by Mr. <br />Rosengren. Carried unanimously. The Building Inspector is to be informed that he <br />should check a new sign put up on 84th without a permit. <br />Mr, Jaworski asked the Clerk if she had received a copy of the revised Orono <br />ordinance from the Park Board and was toldno. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Gotwald if the sewer interceptor would come past Keith <br />Apitz' place and was told yes. Mr. Gotwald stated that Mr. Apitz would be able <br />to hook up when the interceptor is in operation after public assessment hearings <br />have been held for residents in that area. Be stated that one person cannot hook <br />up at a time since not feasible to hold hearings every other week for each <br />person who decides to hook up; this is done on an area or district basis. Mr. <br />Gotwald stated also that the interceptor follows the lakeshore of Baldwin Lake <br />and that a lateral would serve Hwy 49. It would have been more costly for the <br />interceptor to have gone down Hwy 49 since it would have had to have been deeper. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had called Mr. Gotwald on the Orono ordinance and <br />had asked him about making a map showing the,areas from the lakes and waterways <br />to the high water mark so that we would know which areas to include in such an <br />ordinance Mr. Gotwald stated that the all -time high water mark in this area was <br />reached in 1965. W. Jaworski requested permission to have Mr. Gotwald do this <br />in time for the next P&Z meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had received a call from- Ernest Sternberg of Columbus <br />who would like the village to furnish baseball equipment for a little league team <br />to be formed from the children in this area who attend the. Forest Lake School <br />District, for next,year. Mr Jaworski had informed Mr, Sternberg that it is not <br />Village policy to expend such monies; also that it might create a problem since <br />we have three school districts in the Village. There was discussion. Mr. <br />Jaworski noted that the equipment would belong to the Village and would stay in <br />
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