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5/10/71 <br />15 <br />Lino Park. Mr. L' felt that it was worth exploring and to check into the <br />number of kids and games. W. Jaworski mentioned that Mr. Sternberg had requested <br />the use of Lino Park for two days per week this year, but that one of the days he <br />wished was already taken up; however, they will use the park one night. W. <br />Jaworski will be working with them. <br />Mr. Rosengren asked the Council to decide on the amount to charge Columbus for the <br />truck and man as mentioned et a previous meeting. After discussion,,Mr. Bohjanen <br />moved to charge Columbus Township $8.50 per hour for man and truck work. Seconded <br />by,Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to check on the <br />cost of the salt sand. <br />ltr. Rosengren reported that Mr. Elli on the County Line had dragged the road and had <br />submitted a bill for 10 hours work, but naming no charge; he had used his own tractor <br />and drag. Mr. Bohjanen moved to pay Mr. Elii a flat rate of $50 for the work. After <br />discussion, the motion was changed to make the rate from $5 to $7 per hour with the <br />final amount to be negotiated. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gotwald had prepared a report on repairing and maintaining the roads. He noted <br />that we had bad a hard spring as far as the roads were concerned, but that he was <br />satisfied with the way most of the Village roads had held up. He mentioned several <br />spots which need repair and noted that the worst damage had occured:on 7th Avenue <br />where the blacktop had completely busted up. He felt that the high water table was <br />to biaim; the water was still within one foot of the road last week. <br />l(r. Gotwald read a list of work to,be done including some seal coating, but not <br />including any work in the Lakeview area (next year), the total cost approximating <br />$8000. (A typed report will Pe received later.) There was some discussion on <br />various places needing work as well as on dust proofing. Mr. Gotwald stated that <br />on short pieces it would pay for us to use the tanker and dust proof ourselves, but <br />on longer pieces it only costs V per foot more if the company does the work. It <br />was left to the discretion of the Road Dept. as to which roads we would do ourselves. <br />Yr. Rosengren mentioned mixing blacktop here in the driveway since it must be <br />blacktopped anyway. yr. Gotwald thought it would berhard to lay it out flat with <br />our blade. He felt that we might do the base and have the paver finish the work. <br />There was discussion on various types of surfaces and bases. )Jr. Gotwald recom- <br />mended getting informal bids on this work so that we can get an idea of what we <br />will save if we do it ourselves. <br />Mrrs. Gould asked if we were going to oil Vicki and Nancy in Twilight Acres. Mr. <br />Gotwald stated that we would blade the streets and shoot penetrating oil as regular <br />maintenance, Mrs. Gould stated that the persons living in Twilight Acres did not <br />feel that the streets should be blacktopped now and then torn up for assessments. <br />Mr., Jaworski asked if we were going to make the turnaround at the bottom of 64th. <br />Mr, Gotwald stated that this was routine and would be done. There was discussion <br />on the placement of the turnaround, with Mr. Gotwald stating that we are off of the <br />right of way now and will build it in that direction. Mr. Bohjanen asked if we <br />were losing track of progress on Maple and Orange streets. Mr., Gotwald stated that <br />we would blade and gravel them this year. Mir. Rosengren mentioned that there was <br />a problem with, the drainage there. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to follow Mr, Gotwald's recommendations on the roads and to <br />include following his previous recommendations on Peltier Drive and 80th Street. <br />