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07/12/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/12/1971 Council Minutes
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48 <br />7/12/71 <br />pay for their portion of the road and noted that we had upgraded our part for <br />which Columbus didn't contribute. It was decided that Mr. Gotwald would check <br />out the distance each municipality maintains. Al Ross noted that Columbus had <br />maintained the road to Robinson's at the time he was Road Supervisor. The vote <br />on the above motion was taken here; it carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier advised Mr. Ross of the action taken on Cty. Rd. #54 since he was <br />interested in the matter. Mr. L'Allier noted that resolutions had been obtained <br />from all ten municipalities at one time. Mr. Ross stated that the County wanted <br />to give us back a piece and expect us to square it with Oneka, but how? The County <br />gets State aid and we can't, being under 5000 population; Mr. Ross felt it was <br />mandatory that the County take over the portion on the County Line. Mr. L'Allier <br />pointed out that last year they had gone on record wanting to take it over. <br />Mr. Ross stated that he has the minutes from 1964 on this. Mr. L'Allier asked that <br />he give them to the Clerk to make copies. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked about the sewer charges. Mr.,Gotwald stated that he had called <br />Mr. Dohorty but had no answers. Mr. L'Allier stated that he had met with Dick Sha <br />and Dave Larson but they didn't have the exact cash amounts yet, either. Apparently, <br />the assessment may be made by either of 2 formulas, depending upon whether the old <br />NSSSD is included with Minneapolis or not. We should get the answers at the July 15th <br />Sewer Board meeting. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if we could get our Hospital Board representative here for the next <br />meeting to answer questions on the audit. Mr. Cardinal stated that he had talked <br />with Danny Houle; that he had the answers, but that,there was a Board meeting tonight. <br />He will be here at the next meeting. Mr. Bohjanen stated that we should make a for- <br />mal request to Mr. Houle but it was thought to be unnecessary as long as he already <br />planned to attend and give.a verbal report. <br />Mr. L'Allier offered the congratulations of the Council and the Village citizens <br />to the Civil Defense for their first place prize on the float in the Centennial <br />4th of July parade. He stated that they had appeared in Forest Lake on the Fourth <br />and in Lindstrom the past Sunday. He asked the Clerk to send a letter of congratulations <br />on behalf of the Council. <br />Mr. L'Allier mentioned an ordiance which would establish a committee on enviromental <br />quality; copies will be made and sent to members prior to the next meeting for action <br />at that time. <br />Mr. Locher had nothing to report. Mr. Gotwald stated that he had inspected the <br />damage done by the University of Minnesota by their exploratory wells on the <br />LaMotte property. He suggested that Carlson get a few estimates from blacktopping <br />contractors and arrange for repairs, estimated at $150 to $200. Mr. Locher asked <br />if the roads had not been accepted by the Village. Mr. Gotwald stated that the records <br />show that the center 30 feet was accepted, but there was a question on the boulevards <br />being accepted since the work on them was not completed and the Council had withheld <br />$500 of the bond till the work is done. Mr. Gotwald stated that technically it is a <br />Village street, but we do not have the full release, so we should get Mr. LaMotte <br />to take care of the problem. <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that we have a set of catchbasins which empty into a ditch in the <br />Outlot in LaMotte's Second Addition; this ditch turns now and runs onto Lot 4. If <br />we get an okay from the St. Paul Water Dept., then Mr. .LaMotte will straighten out <br />the ditch to stay within the outlot and cross the Department land. The, Clerk was <br />instructed to write the St. Paul 'Water Dept. asking for permission to straighten the <br />ditch. <br />
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