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07/26/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/26/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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55 <br />7/26/71 <br />Mr. Locher pointed out that there is no zoning map with this code so that <br />existing zoning is in effect. Crystal stated that she wanted to see the zoning <br />map and that the Council should wait for it before adopting this code. Mr. <br />,Jaworski pointed out that we were not zoning anything. There was considerable <br />discussion. Mr. Cardinal pointed out that the P&Z had recommended adoption <br />of the zoning code as changed above. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the Zoning District Code (Ord. #56) as amended by <br />the Planning and Zoning Board above, providing that Mr. Jaworski talked to <br />the Mayor. The vote was taken as follows: Mr. Jaworski, Aye; Mr. Cardinal, Aye; <br />Mr. Rosengren, Aye; Mr. Bohjanen, No. Carried. <br />Mr. Locher noted that the Zoning District Code (Ord. #56) must be published, and <br />asked the Clerk to send him the corrected sheets. Crystal stated that the <br />P&Z meets before and after their meetings at home to do business. The public <br />is unaware of what they do. Mr. Cardinal moved to close the hearing at 8:58 P.M. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren, Carried unanimoue*y. <br />The regular business meeting resumed. The Clerk reported that she bad received <br />-2 copies of the first "Letter" from the State Dept. of'Administration concerning <br />the new State Building Code. The Clerk was asked to send one copy to the <br />Building Inspeotor.and to make copies for the Council. <br />Joe Davis had requested a 3.2 beer permit for a Lion's Club softball tournament <br />to be held on August 15th at Sunrise Park. Mr. Locher, who is familiar with the <br />Lion's Club insurance, stated that they have no liability for liquor, but <br />there is.a question on 3.2 beer. Mr, Cardinal moved to grant the beer permit <br />to the Lion's Club as requested. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimousl1r. <br />Mr. Jaworski stated that Mr. Davis had called him and invited the Council to attend <br />the game between the WCCO Wildcats and the Lion's Club members at 1:30 on the 15th. <br />The Clerk inquired whether the Council wished to continue the maintenance <br />contract on the IBM Selectrio typewriter. Mr. Bohjanen moved to continue the <br />contract for $42.00 per year. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Ellingsen.had left copies of a pamphlet on wild hemp as well as a sample. <br />A letter from NSP requested a list of construction projects planned for 1972 <br />by August 6th in order to prepard cost estimates for their budget. Mr. Rosen - <br />gren.suggested a list of street lights and was asked to make one up. Suggestion <br />given were: corner of Linda and Lauren, pond by the Hall, Pine St. at #23, <br />Linda St. & Hodgson Rd., Cty. J and Holly Dr., Main St. by the freeway service <br />road. <br />The Clerk reported that she had checked the minutes from 1953 to 1967 inclusive <br />looking for references to the maintenance of Holly Drive between Norm Miller's <br />and Grygelko's, but had found nothing specific. She had found, however, in <br />a Supervisor's Road Order Book, the laying out of a 4 -rod road in 1886 coin- <br />ciding with Holly Rrive between 12th Avenue and Centerville Road. Mr. Cardinal <br />stated that he recalled no work having ever been done on that particular <br />stretch in question. Pete Scherer asked why the police, buses, and mailmen <br />used the road if it waan't.a Village road. .He noted, too, that the County <br />Sheriff had given tickets for littering on Holly Dr. Crystal interjected a <br />thank you for the street work done in Twilight Acres. There was discussion. <br />Mr. Locher noted that a petition had been received and notices posted in 1886, <br />He thought the road might possible have been maintained for a while and then <br />abandoned. <br />Denny Houle stated that he had worked in the gravel pit in 1939 or 40 when <br />they were hauling gravel on Holly Drive; .he felt that since the trucks drove <br />
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