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11/08/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/08/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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16 <br />11/8/71 <br />deposit the $50 first. Mr. Ted Winiecki inquired whether we were going to <br />let him get by with the ordinance violation. Also, he though that the set- <br />back hadn't been met. Mr. Dupre stated that the new code called for a 40' <br />setback' he had found that the house was back 43 feet. Mr. Cardinal stated <br />that Jerry had agreed to put 1 1/2 times the cost of repairs in a bank to be <br />held until the refacing was completed. Mr. Dupre stated that the inside of <br />the house was good; that the outside was siding dashed with stucco, which was <br />partially chipped off. Jerry stated that he planned to remove the remainder <br />of the stucco and repaint the house. He noted that the house had come down <br />Old Hwy 8 from Stacy.. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to allow Jerry Rosengren to obtain the moving and building <br />permits, with the stipulation that he refaces the house, and that 1 1/2 times <br />whatever cost will be placed in a bank and a letter received from that bank <br />stating 'that such amount be held for the Village until the work is completed, <br />and that a time limit of 90 days be allowed. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. After <br />discussion, it was decided to set the cost of repainting the house at $500 <br />(although Mr. Rosengren plans to do the work himself) and thus the amount to <br />be held set at $750. This amount will be included in the stipulations on the <br />permit. The motion was reread. The vote on the motion was as follows: Aye: <br />Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Cardinal and Mt.,L'Allier; No: Mr. Bohjanen; Abstain: Mr. <br />Rosengren. Motion carried. <br />There was discussion on whether the mover should be penalized for moving the <br />house in without obtaining the permit. Mr. Bohjanen moved to issue a tag for <br />violation of the ordinance on moving of buildings against the mover (Safeway). <br />Mr. Burke felt that we might have a weak case since Jerry had told the mover <br />that he would obtain the necessary permits. Mr. Dupre stated that he issues <br />moving permits to both movers and individuals. After more discussion, Mr. <br />Jaworski seconded the motion, noting that we probably won't win, and that we <br />should tighten up the ordinance. The motion .. carried with Mr. Rosengren ab- <br />staining. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that as long as we were on ordinances, he would suggest <br />that Ord. 43A on employees be amended so that the period of time worked by <br />permanent part -time employees and temporary employees be counted towards their <br />probationary period if they begone full -time employees. He thought it was <br />silly to have a six- months probationary periof for employees who have worked <br />previously. There was discussion. <br />Mr. Cardinal made a motion to amend Ord. No. 43A by having the Attorney put <br />the correct warding in under Section 3 of Ord. 43A, Subsections.(B) and (c), <br />in the form of an additional sentence that the period of time spent as perma- <br />nent part -time and temporary employees should be considered as, or towards <br />their probationary period, when such employees are hired as full -time employees. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk was instructed to give each member of the Council as well as Mr. <br />Marier a copy of the new complete ordinance books. Mr. Jaworski had no report. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that we would be getting the gas pump in a couple of <br />days; the cost of both the tank and pump will be about $600. Most of the <br />snowfence has been put in except for corn fields which haven't been picked. <br />He reported that Mrs. Hansen had called about a culvert on 64th Street which <br />drains into her lots. He stated that he could see no problem; Mr. Gotwald <br />had checked it out and had seen no.problem since the water drains on the road <br />right -of -way; perhaps in winter the water overflows. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that Roy Backlin had checked a culvert on Bald Eagle <br />Lake Blvd., where a man plans to move a driveway and will need a culvert. He <br />had received a bid on the old dump truck from Contractor's Exchange, Inc. in <br />
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