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01/27/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/27/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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64 <br />Life, chosen as official newspaper. <br />1/27/72 <br />The Clerk reported receiving the legal description of the parcel for which a <br />variance to Ordinance 21A was granted to :Donald Erickson in October. The <br />description is as follows: <br />The South 150 feet thereof; That part of the East 284.88 feet of the West <br />700 feet of that part of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31, Town 31 North, <br />Range 22 West, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying East and North of the road- <br />way and West of S.T.H. No. 51. <br />The $25.00 variance fee had also been paid. <br />A copy of a recent Attorney General's Opinion was received which stated that <br />any plans drafted for a building costing more than $30,000 must be done by or <br />directly under the supervision of a registered architect or engineer. A letter <br />from Mr. Merritt of the State Hwy Dept. stated that they would attempt to add <br />a right turn land on Hwy 49 at Birch St. Also, the plans which had been sub- <br />mitted do not need Council approval, but were only for inspection. A letter <br />from the Pollution Control Agency stated that a municipality must have a com- <br />prehensive sewer plan before any sewer extension plans or permit applications <br />can be approved by the PCA. <br />A letter was received from Ralph L'Allier noting that he had given his Hand- <br />book to Mr. Jaworski, and enclosing a bill for the dedication plaque which had <br />arrived. Wahl and Wahl had submitted a bid in the amount of $750 on a Gray <br />recorder and PA system, and a bid in the amount of $408 for the Memocord dicta - <br />phone unit which we had been using. Mr. Bohjanen felt that the bids should be <br />laid over and dilnussed at some other time. Mr. Marier felt that the matter <br />had been laid over for some time already and wondered if a tape recorder was <br />necessary. The Clerk stated that it was a great help in getting exact wording. <br />Mrs. Swanson thought there were cheaper models we could buy. Mr. Marier moved <br />that we dispense with further investigation of this and return the model back <br />to the company and thank them for its use. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. There <br />was discussion. The Clerk admitted that it did slow down the transcription of <br />the minutes. Mr. Cardinal felt that we had gotten by without one for a long <br />time and could now. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Several letters had been received from the Metro Council. One stated that any <br />municipality wishing to receive funds for law enforcement assistance must, apply <br />to the Metro Council by March lst. Another stated that Tuesday, Feb. 15th is <br />the date for a joint working seminar between the Metro Council and the Minnesota <br />Ass'n. of Watershed Districts. The Clerk was instructed to fill out the attached <br />card indicating that 2 members would attend. Mr. Marier asked the Clerk to <br />send out copies of Metro Council letters as soon as co- sible. The Clerk noted <br />that these letters had come today or yesterday so there wasn't time to mail <br />them out prior to the meeting. A third letter concerned possible Metro Council <br />policies for determining metro sewer benefits. <br />A note was received from James M. Ray insurance on the save - harmless agreement <br />for the County on the Emergency Employment Act employees. He recommended sign- <br />ing the agreement and submitting a letter to him giving the total amount of <br />payroll to be expended based on our labor rate so he can enter it for audit. <br />$2.70 will be used for a wage rate. Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize signing <br />the save - harmless agreement. Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. Carried. Mr. Bohjanen <br />noted that the Gounty would like us to use these employees during the winter <br />season if possible. Mr. Jaworski had not yet found out about the Sunrise Ave. <br />easement, but will check with the Church. <br />The Clerk read a proposed amendment to the minutes of June 14, 1971 which inclu- <br />ded a resolution and extra paragraph concerning the sale of the $550,000 bonds, <br />along with the motion and vote on same. Mr. Cardinal moved to amend the minutes <br />of the June 14, 1971 meeting as proposed for bonding purposes. Seconded by Mr. <br />i <br />1 <br />
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