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03/13/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/13/1972 Council Minutes
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3/13/72 <br />also inflate the cost of the equipment. After further discussion, the Clerk <br />was instructed to contact Mattson Construction by letter to give us an answer <br />by letter, and then to have our agent get a rate after we determine what it <br />would cost. <br />Mr. Marier asked why the loan on the truck hadn't been included under capital <br />outlay; Mr. Hill explained why and noted that it isn't usually done this way. <br />There was discussion on what is included under snow removal; the Clerk stated <br />that the Council had wished to include the snow removal labor under the heading <br />of "all salaries" in the Road and Bridge Fund during the past two years; thus <br />"snow removal" only reflected expenditures for salt sand, snow fence and the <br />contracture' work by Columbus for actual snow removal. It was felt that our <br />budget will be broken down considerably more this fall. Mr. Hill left. <br />The Clerk reported receipt of $1035.47 in final 1970 and 1971 sales tax aids; <br />municipal court fines for February were $42.50. A letter from Shoreview acknow- <br />ledged our inquiry on sewer service; they will meet with Carley and the sewer <br />Board. The affidavit of publication on Ord. #31D was received as was a notice <br />from the League on the annual C.C. Ludwig award - copies will be made. <br />Don Waalen had requested that the final plat of Chomonix South be put on the <br />next agenda. Mr. Marier felt this should go to the P&Z. The matter was put on <br />the agenda of the April 19th P&Z meeting at 8:30 p.m. and the same time at the <br />following Council meeting. <br />At the Clerk's request, Mr. Bohjanen moved to adopt Resolution 8 to transfer <br />the remaining balance of $63.38 in the Municipal Building Fund into the Debt <br />Redemption Fund #1 restroactive to January 1, 1972. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />An inquiry was received concerning putting a trailer house on a lot; the Clerk <br />was instructed to send the current ordinances regarding trailers. Mr. Van <br />Housen had brought in recommendations on matters before the P&Z; Mr. Marier <br />asked for a copy. <br />Mr. Cardinal had no report. <br />Mr. Jaworski had met with Columbus Twp. on the price of grader and man; they <br />are requesting $17.00 per hour. Mr. Jaworski questioned raising the price by <br />$2 per hour because of the wage freeze; he thought they might settle on a $1 <br />per hour increase. He stated that Marvin Rehbein would charge $20 per hour, <br />Glenn Rehbein $16 per hour and the County $9.65 per hour plus 20% for fringe <br />benefits and 10% for overhead. Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Jaworski to check fur- <br />ther with the County on the total cost per hour and whether they will be avail- <br />able to do work when we need them. <br />Mr. Jaworski had received two bids on the shop equipment and gave particulars. <br />He stated that Grand Avenue Ford had some used heavy duty sanders that we <br />could get for $25 each. After discussion, Mr. Marier moved to buy two used <br />sanders from Grand Avenue Ford for $25 each. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />The remaining items were discussed individually. Mr. Jaworski moved to pur- <br />chase the equipment as listed from NABPCO, Inc., excluding the sander and the <br />two electric drills, for a total cost of $1,693.24. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Carried unanimously. Mr. Jaworski will come back on the drills in 2 weeks; a <br />purchase order and a requisition slip listing the items will be made out for the items <br />to be purchased. <br />
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