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3/13/72 <br />Mr. Jaworski stated that these items were to stay in the Village Hall and that <br />we will get markers or stamps on all the equipment. Mrs. Swanson asked why we <br />had so many bills on motor fuels and if we supplied oil. It was noted that <br />slips from the charge cards were still coming in and that we had bulk oil in <br />barrels. Mr. Bohjanen stated that he had talked to the mechanics on this and <br />they will use oil from the bulk containers from now on. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked Mr. Jaworski what had been done on the county hours. He <br />said nothing can be done until we find out about cutting the trees, as he feels <br />that this is the best way of using those hours. Mr. Marier inquired about <br />cutting the trees on Peltier; Mr. Gotwald said that the property had been sur- <br />veyed and it is up to Mrs. Wilhelmy's attorney to contact us. Mr. Bohjanen <br />said that Roy has soneone who will cut the wood and haul it away. Mrs. Swanson <br />asked if we could use these men on up- grading the roads; Mr. Jaworski said Yes, <br />but we can't do anything until the frost breaks. Mr. Marier suggested they <br />clean the culverts. It was felt that Mr. Jaworski should contact the County <br />right away to reserve time for these men to be used here. <br />Mr. Marier stated that he had received a report from the Plumbing Inspector. <br />Mr. Boyd had made 14 separate inspections; 1 job was completed. He had had <br />some problems with 1 contractor on starting work before getting permits, but <br />this matter had been taken care of. <br />Mr. Marier noted that Gerald Hopkins was on the agenda but not in the audience. <br />Mr. Hopkins had asked to move in a 2 -car garage from St. Paul, The garage had <br />been inspected by Mr. Hill of the P&Z, Mr. Dupre, Bldg. Inspector, and Mr. Marier <br />and found to have rafters 2 feet apart and floating joists. The concensus of the <br />group was that it would not be advantageous to move it in and up -date it to <br />bring it under the code; it was denied. <br />Mr. Marier mentioned that Ralph L'Allier was in attendance. Mr. L'Allier com- <br />mented on the Open Space Advisory Board to which he had been appointed. Of the <br />21 people appointed to the Board so far 2 had resigned and 4 more were then <br />appointed; they expect to bring the total to 25 members. Ralph stated that his <br />views on metro parks had not changed; he is still opposed to Metro government <br />and to a Metro Board governing park plans. Apparently only 2 of the Board mem- <br />bers are opposed to metro parks whereas the rest are advocates. They will meet <br />with HUD officials tomorrow to see if the Metro area qualifies for Federal money. <br />Ralph said he wants answers to the question of why can't we preserve our wet- <br />lands by way of local ordinances and why shouldn't HUD give us the money to <br />develop this ourselves. He feels that Lino Lakes as a community should come up <br />with our plans and give them to the Board. Mr. Bohjanen asked if they would <br />want a land use plan to look at for our area; Mr. L'Allier thought they would, <br />and would hope it would help to accomplish this if we don't allow building per- <br />mits in low and lakeshore areas. <br />Mrs. Swanson stated she was surprised that after fighting Metro he was involved <br />with them; she felt he might find himself brainwashed so that he will accpet <br />their ideas. Mr. L'Allier had explained his position and asked her if she had <br />spent any time talking with the Metro people. Mrs. Swanson said No, that she <br />didn't want to, that since being on the Board she had talked to several persons <br />and had a report on some $3 million being allocated, that they are getting paid for <br />this work; seven on the Advisory Board had quit. The Park Board had quit. <br />Ralph noted that some had been reappointed. There was considerable discussion <br />with Ralph stating that he hoped to have some influence in their decisions by <br />being on the Board. He asked if she didn't want Anoka County to have any <br />representation on the Board. He will try to keep the Park board like it is <br />with no power. Mr. Marier had attended a meeting of the Advisory Board and had <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />