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03/27/1972 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
03/27/1972 Council Minutes
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207 <br />3/27/72 <br />Centerville Lake. Mr. Burman said this is only a proposal, that if we want <br />deletions or have other suggestions, this can be done. Mr. Marier said he <br />would like them to superimpose the entire plan on a map. Mr. Torkildson noted <br />that the other phases are not set up since they don't have the money. <br />Norm Fritchie, member of the new Centerville Park Planning Board, noted they <br />would like to study the plan. Mrs. Swanson suggested inviting him to attend <br />our Park Board meeting. She asked Mr. Cardinal if the Park Board had met yet. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that they had met in January and February, but only 1 <br />member had showed up at the last one. Mrs. Swanson asked Mr. Cardinal why he <br />hadn't reported on the meetings. Mr. Cardinal stated that he did report on <br />the first and second meetings. <br />Mr. Torkildson stated that they couldn't make it on the night of the Park Board <br />meeting. Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Cardinal to see if he could set up a special <br />meeting. Mrs. Swanson asked why couldn't they come to the P&Z meeting - at <br />least they would have some members there. This was agreed to. Mr. Cardinal <br />asked the Clerk to send notices to the Park Board members to come to the P&Z. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Torkildson to put in the total park plan on a map without <br />the other material to obstruct the concept. Mrs. Swanson wanted the different <br />phases in colors. Mr. Torkildson stated that he didn't know what the other <br />phases will be depending on money. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked if they had met with the property owners. Mr. Torkildson <br />stated that they had met with 95% of the owners for information purposes only; <br />they had questions concerning whether they could stay in their homes; they were <br />informed that theycould. Mr. Torkildson said they would like them to get <br />together and decide if they can set back the park from their homes. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Burman what happened to the Deputy Registrar's office <br />which was promised to be here in the Hall. Mr. Burman said he didn't know it <br />had been promised, but the person who made the decision had felt that if we <br />put 1 office in a village hall, they would have to put one in all of them, and <br />this would be too fragmented. Three offices were put up: one in the Court <br />House, one in Columbia Heights and one in Circle Pines. Mr. Burman and Mr. <br />Torkildson left. <br />Mr. Bohjanen called the hearing for the Forrest Tagg rezoning to order at 8 :52 <br />p.m. Mr. Locher noted that the hearing had been continued and the affidavits <br />were on file. The initial hearing had been held before the P&Z on Dec. 15th <br />and before the Council on Dec. 27th, 1971. The matter had been continued be- <br />fore both bodies. <br />Mr. Marier stated that Forrest Tagg had met all requirements for his Mr. T s <br />Motel; he has an access permit, approval from the County Health Dept. and our <br />Engineer, the recommendation from the Planner. The certificates are on file <br />and the P&Z passed the matter. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve Forrest Tagg's plans as stipulated by the Planner <br />and the Engineer and on the P&Z recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Mrs. <br />Swanson asked if there was discussion on the use of the rest of the land. Mr. <br />Marier said this was rezoned for light commercial for a motel and restaurant. <br />Mr. Tagg said this was for all 62 acres. <br />Vote on the motion: Aye -- Cardinal, Jaworski, Marier, Swanson and Bohjanen; No- <br />None. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn the hearing at 8 :55 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />
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