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05/22/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/22/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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5/22/72 <br />Mr. Cardinal noted that we wouldn't have enough work _painting. the bleachers to <br />keep the County men busy all day. He felt that one man could paint them all in <br />less than one day. Mr. Marier asked if the men could put up the fence; Mr. <br />Cardinal thought they could if someone supervised them. Mrs. Swanson asked who <br />would do this supervising. Mr. Bohjanen said that we would, but Roy is only <br />here until 1:30 in the afternoon. Mr. Cardinal felt that the fellows doing <br />part time work for the Village in the cold winter months should be allowed to <br />do some of the work in nice weather. There was more discussion on this with it <br />being noted that there must be some other work for the County men to do such <br />as road building. It was decided that Mr. Jaworski should contact Mr. Redipenning <br />on scheduling the County men to do the painting after Mr. Cardinal noted that <br />he has no phone available during working hours to call the County. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the letter had been sent to the County on our position on <br />their Park porposal. Clerk said she had sent it last week. She was asked to <br />make copies of the letter for all members. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked Mr. Cardinal if he was done with his report (for the second <br />time), and said that she thought he would like to mention that he had a Park Board <br />meeting Monday night. Mr. Cardinal said he thought he had mentioned that they <br />had a meeting scheduled, but they didn't have a quorum. He had shown Mr. <br />Marier's park proposal to the members who did come. <br />The hearing on the final plat of Chomonix South, Second Addition, was called to <br />order at 9 P.M. Mr. Marier noted that the P &Z had postponed their hearing until <br />June at the request of U. S. Lakes Development Co. Mr. Marier moved to continue <br />the hearing on the final plat of Chomonix South, Second Addition, to June 21st <br />before the P &Z at 8:30P.M. and on June 25th before the Council at 8:30P.M. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the hearing be closed at 9:05P.M. Seconded by Mr. <br />Marier. Carried. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Bohjanen to pass on to Mr. Jaworski from the P & Z the matter <br />of County Road 84 being used by Acton Construction; this is posted for 9 ton in <br />Acton's area and at 5 ton the remainder of the road. The road doesn't seem to <br />be constructed for that weight and becomes a real problem each spring. P &Z <br />felt the County should be contacted to see why there is a difference in limits. <br />Mr. Marier reported that all members had been present at the May 17th regular <br />P &Z meeting except Mr. Winjecki and Mr. Hill. Jim Bratland (Brede Inc.) was present <br />to disc uss sign permit No. 20 for access; he had stated that he would work on the <br />problem and give us an answer in one month. <br />Mr. Marier reported that Ken Rehbein's variance request was approved by the P &Z <br />but since Mr. Rehbein wasn't in the Council audience he wondered if we should <br />delay this until the next meeting. Mr. Marier noted that there had been a <br />question on drainage at the P &Z hearing. Mr. Gotwald's February 15th letter <br />was read, and Mr. Marier stated that Ken Rehbein had complied with the County <br />Health Board's requirements and had agreed to make necessary .changes. Clerk <br />stated that Mr. Rehbein had adked her if he had to be at this hearing since <br />there were no questions unanswered at the P &Z; Clerk had told him that in that <br />case, probably not. <br />1 <br />
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