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6/6/72 <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that the Civil Defense had made several requisitions for <br />materials to complete the float for the July 4th parades. He noted that some <br />of the original float materials has been donated and that the body of the float <br />had been built some time ago. The float is a good advertising asset for the <br />Village. Mr. Marier asked if the materials had been purhased yet. Mr. Bohjanen <br />said No, that it was only in requisition form yet. There was some discussion <br />on whether there were budgeted monies for this and what was going to be done <br />with the float. <br />It was noted that the design of the float had been changed this year, that there <br />would be two turntables on it. It was mentioned that the CD had used crepe paper <br />for decorations for several years, but this fades and the first rain ruins the float. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the smaller items such as plywood were acceptable, but that <br />the $275 requisition for the covering was too high. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said that they needed all of the material to complete the float, and <br />commented that the float wouldn't be changed much next year. Also, some of their <br />things are paid for from the receipts from their auctions, but the e- sentials are <br />budgeted for. Mr. Bohjanen felt the CD should pay for the float out of their own <br />money and all their essentials should be paid for out of the Village budget. <br />Mr. Marier felt the $275 requisition was unacceptable because it was unreadable, <br />and they should substantiate this amount of money - they could use plain gold <br />colored paper, for example. He noted too, that the float had been stored in the <br />garage all year long, that this would have cost them $20 per month if they had to <br />store it elsewhere. Now they tore it all apart so they didn't save anything, and <br />then they came in and wanted over $300 to rebuild it. Also, it took up room that <br />could be used by necessary equipment. <br />Mr. Jaworski arrived at 8:10 P.M. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked if the CD threw away all this stuff or if they use it again. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said that they save what they can, but they are changing the design <br />and need the new material. Mr. Cardinal said he thought the cost was high, but it <br />was legitimate to authorize it. Mr. Jaworski felt the cost wasn't high, since <br />most commercial floats run into thousands of dollars; also, costs have gone up. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve requisitions #63, #66, #67 and #68, with the <br />stipulation that Mr. Cape change the name of the lumber company to Inter -State <br />Lumber Co. rather than Standard Lumber. <br />There was discussion with Mr. Marier filling Mr. Jaworski in with his feelings <br />on the subject. Mr. Jaworski noted that there has been talk about building <br />a storage building when the garage gets too crowded; the float could be kept <br />in it when not being used in parades. Mr. Cardinal stated that he didn't know <br />of any necessary equipment that had to sit outside because of the float. Mr. <br />Marier said that some of the maintenance people have said that the float is always <br />in the way in the garage, and that if you are going to save something, do itfor a <br />reason. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Marier commented on requisition N0.63 which had a partially completed purchase <br />order attached, noting that a proper requisition is a single sheet of paper, and <br />that if a purchase order is attached it looks as if the material has been bought. <br />Clerk stated that the material was not bought, that she had typed the purchase <br />order to facilitate the Mayor's signature, but then had discontinued the practice. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that he will make a second trip to the offic e to sign purchase <br />orders from now on. Clerk voided the purchase order on the requisition. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />