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06/26/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/26/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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287 <br />6/26/72 <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if there was any objection from the P &Z. Mr. Marier said No, that <br />they asked for a replacement. Mr. Jaworski asked if he would be able to attend meetings; <br />Mr. Marier said Yes. Motion seconded by Mr.Jaworski and carried with Mr. Bohjanen <br />voting No. <br />Clerk had received a bill from Calvin Roastad for work he had done on Holly Drive with <br />his tractor. Mr. Jaworski asked that the bill be held until he could talk over the <br />rate of pay with Roy Backlin. <br />One application for the position of Deputy Clerk had been received, fromMrs. Judy <br />A. Helin, 890 Main Street; she had told the Clerk she could take shorthand, although <br />she had not done so for some time. Mr. Bohjanen said he had talked to the Personnel <br />Commission Chairman, who had called the other members and got hold of all of them <br />but one, and they had felt that if we could only get one applicant in six weeks we should <br />accept her. Mr. Bohjanen noted that she lives close to the Hall and is free to fill in <br />in the office and also for P &Z meetings; he noted that we need help in the office now <br />and for any emergencies which might come up. He requested that the Council hire her <br />as Deputy Clerk since we only have one applicant. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to hire Mrs. Judy Helin as Deputy Clerk starting tomorrow, so she <br />could get acquainted with things before the Clerk left over the Fourth of July. <br />Seconded by Mr. Marier. Carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka assumed that the hourly stipend had been set for the Deputy. Clerk <br />stated that she would receive $2.60 per hour. Mr. Jaworski noted there would be <br />a trial period. Mr. Bohjanen requested, that until we get caught up with the <br />work, that the Deputy work at least 1 full day (72 hours) per week, noting that <br />there is a considerable amount of police work to be done also. Mr. Marier moved that <br />the Deputy Clerk work one full day per week for two months starting tomorrow. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. Mr. Zelinka asked under whose jurisdiction the <br />Deputy Clerk would be. Mr. Bohjanen stated that she would be under the Clerk and <br />himself. <br />The hearing for Chomonix South Second Addition Plat was called to order at 8:35P.M. <br />Mr. Marier read a letter from Bill Meyer of Swburban Engineering asking that the plat <br />hearing be delayed, and that they did not appear before the P &Z. Mr. Jaworski moved that <br />we postpone their hearing indefinitely and that they must submit a new date for a <br />hearing. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that we have a requisition for about 1 ton of calcium chloride <br />for dust control; this should. take care of the village streets for the summer at a <br />cost of $104.00. <br />Mr.Jaworski proposed that we raise the salaries of the Road and Park Supervisor, the <br />mechanics and those people who do roads and parks work as follows: <br />Roy Backlin - raise from $3.50 to $4.50 /hour <br />Mechanics - raise from $4.00 to $4.50 /hour <br />Laborers - raise from $2.70 to $3.25 /hour <br />He feels the Supervisor should not get less money than those who are working for him, <br />also, the men have had no raise since 1969. He made the recommendation a motion. <br />There was discussion. Mr. Jaworski stated that he wished these rates to be good until <br />the first of the year, and noted that they should have been raised the first of this <br />year. He stated that there are from 1 to 5 men working on the roads and parks, that <br />we can't determine hwo many hours this will be, that Roy puts in about 4 hours a day <br />and the other men more. Mr. Bohjanen asked if we are justified under the Wage and <br />Price Board; Mr. Marier felt we were if we didn't do this at the first of the year and <br />the cost of living increase were more than the wage increase - however, this would <br />have to go to the Wage and Price Board. <br />
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