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02/23/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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26 <br />February 23, 1976 <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if theeeis not officers available at the County Jail for the <br />searching of female prisioners and Chief Myhre said, Yes. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to have the Attorney review this matter and see what can be <br />done to change the classification before this training becomes a fact. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. '_Locher read the minutes designating this positon as a Policewoman - Clerk - <br />Typist. Mr. McLean said as he remembered the list of duties, 95% was clerical <br />and 5% as a Policewoman. <br />Chief Myhre repeated his request to have the examinations for Mr. Hillyer and <br />Mrs. Pankratz. Mr. Hillyer has completed the training and these exams must be done <br />before reimbursement to the City. <br />Mr. McLean asked, if Mrs. Pankratz has these examinations, and doesn't go to the <br />school, will the City be compensated for the cost? Chief Myhre said, No. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if these examinations are necessary and Chief Myhre said he felt <br />this should be required of all personnel of the Police Department whether in <br />connection with going to school or just being hired for a position on the force. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the examinations for Mr. Hillyer and for Mrs. Pankratz <br />providing this does not commit the Council to approve her attendance to BCA. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..The Clerk reported $85.00 had been received from Anoka County as reimbursement <br />for gopher bounty payments. <br />..Reported on a letter from North Central Public Service announcing the release <br />of priorty numbers 1 through 450 for gas allocation. Additional releases will <br />be made within the next few months. <br />..The annual meeting of the Anoka Electric Cooperative will be held March 6, 1976 <br />at the new Anoka Senior High School on 7th Avenue. This meeting begins at 10:00 <br />A.M. <br />:.Read a letter from Montgonery Wards asking the requirements of the City in re- <br />ference to the installation of swimming pools. The Clerk was instructed to for- <br />ward this to the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />..Copies of the Contract with the Engineers had been received for approval and <br />signature. It was noted that some rates were increased but the basic fee rates <br />and the attendance at Council meetings had remained the same. Mr. McLean moved <br />to approve the Contract and authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the con- <br />tract. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..A request from the Lino Lakes Parents Club for permission to hold a Turkey Bingo <br />at the Lino Elementary School on Friday, April 9, 1976 beginning at 7:30 P. M. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Reported that a second set of plans for the improving of North Road had been <br />received and had been forwarded to Mr. Gotwald for study. <br />..Read a letter from the City of Lexington stating the City Council of Lexington <br />agreed with the Resolution submitted by the City of Ham Lake and the City of <br />Lexington will support the City of Ham Lake in their endeavor. <br />..A letter from the City of Bloomington in reference to the stadium issue was read. <br />This letter suggests this issue should be put before the people in a referendum <br />vote. The Clerk was instructed to send copies of this letter to all Council <br />members. Mr. Zelinka felt if the people have to pay for this structure, they <br />should have a say in what is built and where. Mr. Zelinka moved to write the <br />City of Bloomington and to our Representatives stating if there is any indication <br />
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