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03/22/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/22/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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March 22, 1976 <br />Commission held on March 15, 1976. There had not been a quorum at the meeting, <br />however, Mr. Warren Ahlers had appeared asking for permission to erect a score- <br />board at either the soft ball fields at Sunrise or the Little League Fields <br />by the Hall. There had been concern about the type of advertising onthis score <br />board. The members present had wondered if the Little League officials would <br />object to ads for tobacco products or liquor ads but Mr. Ahlers had checked <br />with the Little League and there is no objections. The scoreboard would be <br />installed and maintained for a four year period at no cost to the City. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to authorize the installation of the scoreboard with the <br />Park Board deciding the location. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried un- <br />animously. Mr.Ahlers asked for a letter from the City noting that he has Council <br />approval for the installation. This letter to be mailed to Mr. Warren Ahlers <br />at 6426 Hokah Drive, Lino Lakes, 55014. <br />Mr. Schneider reported on the cash flow. He had talked with Mr. Lyle Muehlbauer <br />at Centennial State Bank on the savings account question. Based on his forecast <br />to meet the bills due in April and May he would suggest two CD's be cashed <br />#2678 and #1654. Mr. Schneider also suggested #2571 be pulled and deposited <br />in a savings account. The CD's interest rate is 52% and the savings account is <br />only 5% but this will give the City more flexiability in using the money if <br />needed. Mr. Zelinka so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean moved to authorize the Clerk to establish a savings account at Cent- <br />ennial State Bank. Seconded by Mr. Scneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested this be done immediately. <br />Mr. Schneider noted that in the bills payable this month there are two large <br />bills not budgeted for - one from Columbus Township for grading done since last <br />June and the Workman's Compensations Insurance premium which has hncreased. <br />Mr. Schneider said he had also discussed warrants with Mr. Muehlbauer and was <br />told tha banking business frowns on them. He felt there has been a change in <br />attitude on these. <br />Mr. McLean reported on the Planning and Zoning Board meeting held on March 17, <br />1976. Mr. Floyd Linnell had asked for a special use permit to keep bees on <br />less than five acres of land. He had presented his application with the sig- <br />natures of the neighbors. The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval <br />of this special use permit. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Pierre Nadeau had presented a request for a variance to split out two parcels <br />of land of less than 22 acres. This land is located on 20th Avenue South and <br />has more than the required frontage. Mr. Locher said each lot is approximately <br />one acre and the legals are in order. The Planning and Zoning Board had recomm- <br />ended approval of the variances. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported on the meeting of the Personnel Commission held on March <br />20, 1976. The first matter of business had been a complaint against the Police <br />Department. A petition had been presented to the Commission. The members had <br />listened to both sides of the matter and recommended to the Council that an <br />unbiased committee he appointed to resolve this matter. The petitioner had been <br />told that he must present the petition to the City Council. <br />Mr. Webster was in the audience and Mr. Zelinka asked him if they had reached <br />any decisions as to the petition. <br />
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