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07/12/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/12/1976 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 11:05:32 AM
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12/19/2014 11:56:41 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />July 12, 1976 <br />was eligible for State Aid Funds. The Clerk had contacted Mr. Bergman and had <br />been told that all applications for matching funds should be directed through <br />Mr. William Flynn, the area director. This information will be passed on to Mr. <br />Cape. <br />..The last Federal Revenue Sharing check for this period had been received. The <br />check totaled $8,650.00. <br />..Information on the proposed publication of a State Register was read. This <br />is an official publication of rules and regulations issued by the State. There <br />is to be a Guidebook to State Agencies and instructions mn how to use their res- <br />ources. A sample copy of the State Register is available and the Clerk was in- <br />structed to ask for this and to inquire as to the obtaining of the Guidebook. <br />..A letter on funding for the rehabilitation of homes had been received from the <br />Metropolitan Council and also a letter from Anoka County stating they had appl- <br />ied on behalf of the City for these funds. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr. <br />Kline as to the publicity on the availability of these funds for the local res- <br />idents. <br />..A fire Report from the City of Lexington had been received. <br />..The Tree Inspector's report was read. <br />..A letter from Shoreview with a proposal on a study to be done on Highway #49 <br />and asking if the City is interested. Mr. Gotwald will check on this and report <br />back to the Council. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />..A letter from North Central Public Service Company announcing a rate increase <br />for gas customers effective July 28, 1976. The letter also states that another <br />increase will become effective after November 28, 1976. Mr. McLean asked if this <br />Council should not be challenging these raises - Does silence indicate acceptance - <br />and who challenges this on behalf of the people? Mr. Locher checked the Ordinance <br />dealing with the gasfranchise allowing North Central to operate within the City <br />of Lino Lakes. The reates are to be set with the consent of the Council. The <br />Clerk was instructed to write a letter citing Section 6 of Ordinance 43 and ask <br />how these raises were arrived at; what is the basis of the rate increase. Also <br />state this information is necessary before the Council will support the raises, <br />making it clear there is no reason to believe the the City residents had ever <br />been overcharged. <br />..Read a letter from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission asking for three <br />copies of the sewer construction program for the next five years, and several <br />other requests. Mr. McLean felt this is asking for the same information that <br />was in the Resolution just passed for the Metropolitan Council. The Clerk was <br />instructed to mail a copy of the Resolution to Mr. Gnerre with a cover letter. <br />..The Lino Lion's Club asked for the use of one ball field at Sunrise Park on <br />August 1, 1976 to conduct a soft ball tournament. The application with the <br />$100.00 deposit for clean up and $1.00 for a beer permit had been received. <br />The Club is covered by a nation wide insurance program. Mr. Zelinka moved to <br />approve the application. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..An application for a license for on sale and off sale 3.2% beer at Luther's <br />
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