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07/12/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/12/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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July 12, 1976 <br />Sport Shop signed by Arnold Nutter had been received. Mr. Karth moved to approve <br />the license. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sch- <br />neider asked what the license fees are and when they were established? The <br />figures were discussed and Mr. Locher is to check on the date and report back <br />to the Council. <br />Mayor Bohjanen had no report at this time. <br />Mr. Karth asked Mr. Schneider if he had checked with the bank concerning paying <br />for the new pick up. Mr. Schneider said with $1,000.00 down and the balance due <br />in December, the interest would amount to $160.00. Mr. Schneider suggested hold- <br />ing any decision until the tax receipts are received and then a decision can be <br />made by phone. <br />Mr. Zelinka questioned selling the old truck. Mr. Karth said there was quite <br />a lot things that could be sold. Mr. Zelinka suggested that Mr. Volk make a list <br />of the salable articles for Council consideration. Mr. Karth moved to finance <br />the truck per Mr. Schneider's suggestion with confirmation by phone after tax <br />receipts. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth reported that Mr. Volk is on vacation this week. Also the transmission <br />on the older Lo -Boy is gone. The tractor will only move in reverse. Mr. Volk has <br />removed the side mower from the newer tractor and put the rotary on. He has not <br />gotten an estimate on the repairs, but felt somewhere between $500.00 to $600.00 <br />and the trade in value is about the same amount. Mr. Karth suggested parking the <br />tractor for the rest of this year. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested the work on the tractor could be done in the shop. This <br />work can be done over the winter months and have it ready for Spring. He sugg- <br />ested Mr. Hagen take a look and determine the extent of needed repairs. <br />Mr. McLean reported on a special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board for <br />the consideration of allowing a building permit on property located at the end <br />of Marshan Lane. The Engineer had proposed a street be put in by the owner with <br />a turn around. There was not a quorum at the meeting, therefore no decision was <br />made. The ownership of the land to the North was in question and this is to be <br />determined and the people will return at the regular meeting scheduled for the <br />2Ist. of July. <br />Mr. Schneider reported on the auditing firms that he had contacted. Two of the <br />firms have visited the office and have written reports. Each Council member has <br />a copy of their report. Mr. Schneider had talked with the third firm and they <br />will be in the office some time this weeks He asked permission to meet with all <br />three firms and eliminate one before bringing this matter before the Council. Mr <br />McLean asked when and Mr. Schneider suggested before a regular Council meeting. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Karth moved to meet with the two selected by Mr. Sch- <br />neider at 7:30 P.M. before the regular meeting scheduled for July 26, 1976. Sec- <br />onded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schneider questioned Mr. Locher on the $50,000.00 CD on deposit with Drovers <br />State Bank and Mr. Locher said he had talked with Mr. Kronholm several weeks ago, <br />but will check with him again and report back to the Council. <br />Mr. Schneider questioned the Clerk on the status of the copy machine. She said <br />it needed to be serviced and also the last roll of paper is in the machine. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to have the copy machine serviced. Mr. Zelinka asked about <br />
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