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08/23/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/23/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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August 23, 1976 <br />- Page Two - <br />Mr. Charles McGoldrick, representing Metro Sales, was present to discuss the <br />Royal Bond Copier III. The costs for the machine, the service costs and the <br />IImerits of the machine were discussed. These points were also considered in a <br />presentation submitted by Xerox. The Clerk was asked to make a comparision <br />list for Council consideration at the next meeting. Mr. McGoldrick was thanked <br />for his information. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for Council consideration: <br />..An itemized list of monies to be transferred from the Federal Revenue Sharing <br />Fund to the funds so designated. Mr. McLean moved to authorize the transfer of <br />the funds. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..A letter from the Forest Lake School District Community Education Director <br />and from the Centennial Community Education Director asking for a representative <br />from the City to attend a meeting scheduled per State requirements. Mr. Frank <br />Resch is the City representative to the Forest Lake School District and Mrs. <br />Edna Sarner is the representative to the Centennial School District. Mr. <br />Schneider moved to authorize these persons to represent the City at the meetings <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..There were letters from the Anoka County Highway Department, from Mr. Burman <br />dealing with taking a special census, a letter from HUD confirming the meeting <br />on Wednesday, August 25, to discuss the Flood Plain Maps, and some information <br />from the EDA. All Council members have copies of these letters. <br />..Municipal fines in the amount of $163.83 had been received and the sewage <br />hauling charges of $1,064.00. <br />Mr. Craig Alshouse, representing the Griffin Company, said that his company is <br />in the process of selling the lots in the Country Lakes Additions #1, #2 and #3. <br />e asked the Council about the extension of the water and sewer lines to the <br />reas that are not fully serviced at this time. Also, would on -site septic <br />systems be allowed on some of the larger lots. <br />The Council felt that before any extension of the service can be done,a request <br />for this must come from Drovers State Bank and the cost would be assessed to the <br />affected properties. <br />There was discussion on the status of the street on the West side of the Lake. <br />Mr. Alshouse said at the present time, the company would prefer to complete the <br />East side before starting the West. <br />Mr. McLean said determination of the urban service area must be done before an <br />answer as to %the requirements necessary for construction on the West side can <br />be finalized. <br />It was suggested that his company ask for an extension of the utilities. Mr. <br />Al'shouse said he would have a letter here within the next week. <br />Acting Mayor Zelinka said he had had a phone call from Mr. Art Hage -- concerning <br />Mr. Mobley. He had felt that Mr. Mobley was being arbitary in issuing a <br />temporary occupancy permit on a house his sister is building. Mr. Hage was <br />not in the audience. <br />t4Mr. Prokop was in the audience and presented the Council will paid bills for <br />the street which amounted to $3,990.00 for himself and $3,330.00 for Mr. Jankus. <br />r. Prokop said there are some Engineer and Attorney fees that are not included. <br />He will present these to the Council when they are complete. <br />Mr. McLean reported on the actions of the Planning and Zoning Board at their <br />meeting held on August 18, 1976. The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended <br />
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