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09/27/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/27/1976 Council Minutes
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142 <br />September 27, 1976 <br />Mr. McLean felt thisshould be check by Mr. Gotwald before any action by this Council. III <br />He so moved. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The hearing for the final plat of Kolstad's Air Park was called to order at 8:30 P.M. <br />Mr. Kolstad presented the final layout of the air park. He said the air strip will <br />set up as a corporation since each property owner will own a portion of the strip. <br />Mr. McLean read the letters of approval from the State Aeronautical Department. <br />Their suggestion of placing the streets on the outside of the plat had been taken <br />care of by the developer. Also, the suggestion for the fence. This plat had received <br />approval of the Planner, Engineer and the Rice Creek Watershed Board. <br />There was discussion of cash to be received in lieu of land for Park purposes. This <br />was suggested because of the size of the lots. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked if any one in the audience had any comments, either for or against <br />this plat. <br />One gentleman from the audience asked about the easements for the streets on the outer <br />edge of the property - would part of this be taken from the adjoining property owners? <br />Mr. Kolstad said he would prefer it that way. However, if this cannot be agreed upon, <br />he will install the street two feet inside of his property line. He has contacted <br />bodh NSP and Anoka Electric and the service lines will be brought in under ground. <br />Mr. Hendrickson asked about night flights. Mr. Kolstad said at the present time <br />there is no plans for night landings. If there are any changes in the future, those <br />changes would have to be approved by the State and this community. Mr. Kolstad was <br />asked the size of the planes that will be using this strip and he said light twin <br />engine planes. <br />Mr. Kolstad said this is a restricted air strip and only property owners would be <br />allowed to use it. Mr. Zelinka asked about entry by Police and Firemen. Mr. Kol- <br />stad said any licensed strip is open to public officials. <br />Mr. McLean said there are several areas for consideration; 1) unrestricted access <br />for Law enforcement, Fire personnel and Public Utility officials; 2) Money in lieu <br />of land - when? Mr. Kolstad suggested appraise the value of eight acres at this time <br />and I /16th be paid each time a lot is sold and title is transferred; 3) streets on <br />the outside of the plat to have 24' surface and 18' boulevards with signs per Minn- <br />esota Uniform Traffic Signs and curbs on both sides of the street. Mr. Kolstad asked <br />about street names. He was told this is his choice with Council approval. <br />Mr. Karth also asked that "low flying aircraft" be placed at either end of the dev- <br />elopment on 4th Avenue. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested that since there will be mixed buildings, some uniform code <br />as to set backs should be established. Mr. McLean said there is a minimum set back <br />in Ordinance #56 but nothing on maximum set back. Mr. Kolstad said these stipulations <br />will be built onto the deed covenant. <br />1 <br />Mr. McLean moved to accept the final plat for Kolstad's Air Park with all recommendat- <br />ions of the Planner, Engineer, Rice Creek Watershed Board and the State Aeronautical <br />Commission followed also the recommendations on 1) money in lieu of land for Parks; <br />
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