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12/13/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/13/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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December 13, 1976 <br />support for the reappointment of Mrs. Opal Peterson to the Metro Council. The Council <br />agreed, it was felt she had been receptive to the needs of this City. Mr. Zelinka moved <br />to write a letter recommending that Mrs. Peterson be reappointed to her position on the <br />Metropolitan Council. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth asked for permission to purchase a sander for the Ford Dump Truck. The cost <br />is $1,659.00 including installation and is in the budget for January. There was dis- <br />cussion on the need for this unit with the general consensus of the Council being a re- <br />quisition should be submitted. Mr. Karth said he would take care of the matter. <br />Mr. McLean reported on the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board held on December 1, <br />1976. There had been discussion on the new building being erected at the United Tire <br />location. It was felt this building is located too near the side street and since the <br />building is already constructed, the only procedure at this time is to require Mr. Rass- <br />mussen to submit an application for a variance. This application not intended to set a <br />precedent, but merely to recognize an infraction of the regulations. Mr. McLean moved <br />to request United Tire to submit an application for a variance for construction of a <br />building too close to the side street with the building inspector to check the footage. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if he had understood the building inspector had said this building met <br />the requirements? Mr. McLean said, No, he had not talked with the building inspector. <br />Mr. McLean moved to instruct the Building Inspector not to issue permits contrary to <br />City ordinances unless cleared through the Planning and Zoning Board and the Council. <br />Motion died for lack of a second. <br />Mr. Karth asked who the Building Inspector is answerable to - the entire Council? He <br />suggested it might help if the Building Inspector had a Council liaison - someone one <br />person he could contact if he had a question. After some discussion Mr. McLean agreed <br />to serve in that position. Mr. Zelinka so moved. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carr- <br />ied unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean explained the agenda and letter received from Mr. Lee Starr in connection <br />with the work the Planning and Zoning Board has been working on. The Clerk, with Mr. <br />McLean had prepared a letter asking for an extension of time for the preparation of the <br />material asked for by the Metropolitan Council. This letter requests a four months ex- <br />tension, and states the reasons for the extension. Mr. McLean moved to send a letter <br />asking for an extension in reference to the resolution passed by this Council June 28, <br />1976. The extension to begin January I, 1977 for a four month period ending April 30, <br />1977. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the copy of the system statement is part of this work and is it <br />to be considered? Mr. McLean said it will be considered during this period. <br />Mr. Schneider said he had talked with Mr. Mobley and he has not recieved a second bid <br />for the repair of the barn as yet. Also, there is some repair work to be done on the <br />hockey rinks. Mr. Volk has been informed. Mr. Schneider also reported he had met with <br />the Advisory Board at MMTC. There are plans for a joint meeting of the Councils to in- <br />form them of the plans for that facility. He will keep the Council informed. <br />Mr. Zelinka said he had not had a meeting of the Personnel Commission and would probably <br />not schedule one until after the first of the year. He said that Commission is now short <br />one member and will soon be short one more. He asked for input from the Council as to <br />prospective members. He had had one person who had expressed interest in serving - Mr. <br />Peter Scherer. Mr. Schneider suggested Mr. Steve Sprint. Mr. Zelinka said he would <br />
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