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01/24/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/24/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />201 <br />January 24, 1977 <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Cape,Civil Defense Director to present his report. Mr. Cape <br />said he had attended meetings on the fuel shortage and this will be the Number 1 pro- <br />gram for the next two years. There is also a plan for the relocation of the public <br />in the event of a nuclear attack. This relates to the seven county metropolitan area <br />which it is suggested will have approximately 72 hours to evacuate. There will be <br />more information on this at a later date. Mr. Cape said he would keep the Council <br />informed. Shelter to house the public is being planned and will be constructed by <br />the Corps of Engineers. These shelters will be stocked with food to sustain the per- <br />sons there for a certain period of time. <br />There is a special number to call at the State Capital in the event of a fuel short- <br />age. Mayor Bohjanen said he will be getting the number and will call it in to the <br />office. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thanked Mr. Cape for his report and will wait for further information. <br />Mr. Karth presented the Council with a rough draft for the reporting of man hours worked <br />in the various departments. The form was studied by the Council members with some sugg- <br />ested changes. Mr. Karth said he would redesign and re- submit. <br />Mr. McLean presented the actions of the Planning and Zonning Board meeting held on <br />January 19, 1977. Mr. Kenneth Gourley had been re- elected as Chairman and Mr. James <br />Hill is Vice - Chairman. <br />Mrs. Luanne Kelly had requested a Special Use Permit to operate a Beauty Shop at her <br />home at 8265 West Rondeau Lake Road. She had a permit for such an operation at 1282- <br />81st Street but has moved to the new address. She had the required signatures and the <br />Planning Board had recommended approval of this special use permit. Mr. McLean so <br />moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean moved to have the Clerk pull the special use permit issued for the 81st <br />Street address and cancel it. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gordon Danks has a small parcel of land along 20th Avenue North that has been <br />split from the original forty acres by 20th Avenue. He asked if this parcel is a <br />buildable parcel of land. The Clerk had called the County and had the acreage com- <br />puted which differs depending on where the south measurement begins and ends. The <br />Planning and Zoning Board felt that an accurate survey with the correct acreage and <br />a legal description is neccesary and Mr. Danks would need a variance for the Tess <br />than 21 acre requirement. The Clerk will inform Mr. Danks of these requirements. <br />Mr. Marlin Hansen, representing the developer of Otter Lake Shores had presented a <br />preliminary plat for consideration. There was discussion of doing this area in two <br />separte plats, the availability of an access to the Lake, the consideration of park <br />land or money, the inclusion of the lower portion that had previously been presented <br />and the inclusion of one lot along the now existing roadway. Mr. Hansen will take <br />these suggestions back to the developer and return. He asked to be put on the February <br />agenda. Mr. McLean will keep the Council inofrmed on the progress of this plat. <br />North Northeast Realty had submitted a request for two variances for a lot north of <br />Main Street fronting on Highway #8. This lot had been split in 1965 but the deeds <br />had not been recorded and now they cannot be recorded without a variance. There were <br />several points that needed clairfication so: the variance requests were returned for <br />these points to be cleared. <br />Mr. Meyeres, representing Drovers State Bank, and Mr. Kronholm appeared before the <br />Board with a preliminary sketch for the platting of the four unit town house on the <br />
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