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01/24/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/24/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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January 24, 1977 <br />West side of Lake Reshanau. These buildings are located on a parcel of land that <br />has a legal description but only has a 332' access to the Street. On consulting the <br />map, Mr. Kronholm said the small triangle piece of land to the north of the access <br />could be included in the description thus giving the parcel the necessary frontage <br />on the street. They will redraw this and return. Mr. Kronholm asked to be put on the <br />February agenda. <br />Mr. Gotwald, Mr. Short and Mr. Locher presented the package to be presented to the <br />Metropolitan Council in reference to the Resolution passed by the City Council in <br />June, 1976. This is the work requested by the Metropolitan Council and must be com- <br />pleted before the City can utilize the capacity in the interceptor. <br />Mr. Gotwald had outlined the urban and rural service areas and computed the acreage. <br />He had also outlined the planned staged development of these areas. He had also noted <br />some changes in the sewer lines. He felt this should serve as an interium CSP rather <br />than the expensive redesign of the entire CSP. <br />Mr. Short had computed the density of the two areas and had broken the rural service <br />area into three classifications. He had then computed the overall density of the area. <br />He felt there are three different methods by which this density could be computed de- <br />pending on how much of the unusable land is included. <br />Mr. Locher had prepared ordinances dealing with the soils guide and the monitoring <br />of existing systems. This package is to be presented as an amendment to the Comp- <br />rehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Locher is hopeful the soils map does not have to be <br />published as will the ordinance. He said it would have to be reduced to the point <br />where it would become illegible. <br />This package is due to be presented to the Metropolitan Council before Jan. 31, 1977 <br />for their review but Mr. Short said he had talked with Mr. Starr and if the Council <br />felt they needed more time to study, it could be presented some time in February. <br />Mr. Karth felt that without the expertise of the Planner, Engineer and Attorney he <br />would not understand any more than he did at this point, Mr. Schneider felt the <br />same. <br />Mr. McLean read the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board which asked the <br />Council to review this material and, if they have no objections, to forward to the <br />Metropolitan Council for their review. <br />Mr. Karth moved to forward this material to the Metropolitan Council, with the corr- <br />ections noted by Mr. Short, for their review. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carr- <br />ied unanimously. <br />Mr. Short said there would be a letter of transmittal and he will index the material. <br />1 <br />Mr. McLean thanked Mr. Gotwald, Mr. Locher and Mr. Short for their time and effort <br />put into this package and the Planning and Zoning Board members for their extra meetings <br />they had attended. He felt it was a good package with a lot of thought put into the <br />results. Mr. Locher said there had been a lot of help from Mr. McLean and he hoped for some <br />cooperation from the Metropolitan Counci. <br />Mr. McLean reminded the Council of the meeting at the Bunker Park Activity Center on <br />Wednesday, January 26, 1977. <br />Mr. Schneider reported on the Park Board meeting held on January 17, 1977. This had <br />
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