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03/31/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/31/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />231 <br />March 31, 1977 <br />this driveway be turned over to the City, dedicating the roadway as public property. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Karth moved to approve this proposal subject to the legal <br />description of the roadway being confirmed by the Attorney, with Mr. Gotwald verify- <br />ing the street meets City specifications. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carr- <br />ied unanimously. <br />The East Birch Addition of Mr. Glenn Rehbein's had been considered with several <br />suggestions for changes. This will be re- submitted. <br />The preliminary Plat for Shenandoah East had been considered and the Planning and <br />Zoning had recommended approval of this preliminary and recommended the Council <br />set a public hearing on this plat. Mr. Karth moved to approve the preliminary plat, <br />subject to the Engineer's and Planner's reports and Metropolitan Waste Control <br />Commission's approval to extend the sewers into that plat, and to set the public <br />hearing for April 25, 1977 at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Elmer Maisio of Orange Street had applied for a special use permit to keep a <br />horse on their property. They have less than the required five acres, but are leas- <br />ing eight acres of adjoining property for pasturing the animal. The Planning and <br />Zoning had recommended approval of this permit if this arrangement was approved by <br />the City Attorney. Mr. Locher said there is no problem with this arrangement. Mr. <br />Karth moved to approve the special use permit. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jerry Blackbird, representing North NorthEast Realty was present. He told the <br />Council that his firm has had a problem in obtaining a road bond for the Pine Haven <br />Plat. He asked if he could post a letter of credit until the road bond has been <br />written? There are four purchase agreements in that plat and they would like to <br />get started on the construction. <br />Mr. Locher felt a letter of credit was fine but it should be automatically continued <br />until the road bond is issued in order to provide continuing coverage with no gaps. <br />Mr. Blackbird suggested issuing the building permits, with no occupancy permitted <br />until the road bond is issued. <br />Mayor Bohjanen moved to issue building permits for the Pine Haven Plat but there <br />is to be no occupancy of the building until the road bond is issued. Seconded by <br />Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The variance request by United Tire will be considered at the April meeting. Mr. <br />Molin will also attend that meeting. <br />Mr. Kaiser had appeared before the Planning and Zoning Board with the proposal of <br />purchasing the Convent at St. Joseph's Church to be used as a half way house for <br />young adults who are withdrawing from chemical dependency. Since this building does <br />not have frontage on an existing street, he was told this would have to be worked <br />out. Mr. Kaiser said he would consult the Church C ouncil and return. <br />Sign Permit Number 145 for United Tire had been approved by the Building Inspector <br />and recommended for approval upon receipt of the fee. The fee had been paid. Mr. <br />Karth moved to approve the sign permit. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />
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