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04/25/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/25/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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240 <br />April 25, 1977 <br />orize the Engineer to prepare the estimates for the cost of constructing this street for <br />City acceptance. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Paul Videen <br />will contact Mr. Gotwald. <br />Mr. William Houle, Fire, Marshall, told the Council of the problems he has in obtaining <br />burning permits. At the present time, the PCA is only issuing burning permits for dis- <br />eased trees. He has had many people with just brush to be burned. There is a meeting sch- <br />eduled for May 3, 1977 to discuss this problem. The Clerk was instructed to write to the <br />PCA and ask for special permission to allow the burning of this brush. <br />Mr. Houle also referred to the Resolution of the Anoka Board of Commissioners asking for <br />evidence to be taken on the constitutionality of the regional government. He requested <br />this Council to go on record supporting this action. <br />Mr. Houle read a Resolution he had prepared asking for the abolishment of the Metropol- <br />itan Council or Regional Government. The Council felt rite County Commissioners Resolution <br />asked for evidence to support the constutionality of this government and this they could <br />support. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to pass a Resolution supporting the Action of the Anoka County Commiss- <br />ioners. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth reported Mr. Volk had submitted a list of items that could be sold at the auct- <br />ion. However, he has not had any information from the other communities who expressed an <br />interest. Mr. Karth was asked what date had been planned for this auction and he said a <br />definite date had not been set, but thought around the end of May. <br />Mr. Karth reported the roads are in good shape and if the Council has time after the meet- <br />ing he would like to show them the street sweeper the City has just purchased. <br />Mr. McLean reported on the actions of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting held on April <br />20, 1977. However, before he presented the actions from that meeting, there is an item <br />from the March meeting that should be cleared. <br />Mr. Tim Rehbine had asked for two variances for the transfer of title on two parcels of <br />land of less than two and one -half acres. These parcels are in the Twilite Acres plat <br />and Mr. Rehbine had burchased a triangle of land to the South, added it to an odd shaped <br />lot and was asking to split the new parcel into two lots. The Planning and Zoning Board <br />had recommended approval of this request. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean proceeded with the April meeting. Mr. William Molin had appeared before the <br />Board at their request to discuss the complaint against the storage of materials and the <br />re- grading of the ditch along 4th Avenue. Mr. Molin was asked to have the ditch regraded <br />to it's original depth and the vegatation replaced. Ahho, two rows of pine trees or their <br />equivalent be planted along 4th Avenue for screening purposes. (Mr. McLean said the prop- <br />erty had been checked and Mr. Molin had moved his materials in the storage yard back to <br />within his property.) Mr. McLean moved to have the ditch restored and require the plant- <br />ing of the trees. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Robert Reinertson had applied for a special use permit to liow ceramic tile at his <br />home. He has plans for the construction of a new home near the corner of 4th Avenue and <br />Main Street. This tile would be for the purpose of prospective customers making their <br />selection of patterns and colors. He is an installer and there would not be tile for sale . <br />at that location. The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval of this special <br />use permit. <br />
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