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06/27/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/27/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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June 27, 1977 <br />d <br />Council felt this is a very inconvenient time for a meeting. The Clerk <br />was instructed to write Mr. Torkildson with this information and ask that <br />future meeting be set in the evening when these persons are available. <br />Mayor Bohjanen had received a letter from Mr. Richard Dougherty of the <br />Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, concerning the lift station in <br />Country Lakes. The Commission felt this station is fitill the respon- <br />sibility of this City and asked that we have it repaired. The Council <br />flet that since the Commission has removed the original pumps and <br />modified the control panel, the maintenance of this facility is their <br />responsibility. Mr. Locher was instructed to write to Mr. Dougherty <br />giving him this information. <br />Mayor Bohjanen had received a letter from the Metro Council seLLing the <br />estimated population figure for Lino Lakes at 4,270 as of April 1, 1977. <br />Mr. Karth opened the bids received for the equipment advertised for <br />bids. One bid of $51.00 for the 1973 Plymouth; the mower - one bid of <br />$78.00; one bid on each of the snow plows for $6.00; and $51.00 for the <br />1966 Ford Pick -up. <br />Mr. McLean moved to accept the bid of $51.00 for the 1966 Ford Pick -up. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the bid of $78.00 for the Ford mower. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to reject all other bids. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Bohjanen moved to authorize Mr. Karth to set appropriate prices <br />on the patrol cars and advertise, with a minimum price of $250.00 on <br />the 1973 Plymouth - all other material to be sold for junk. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth presented a list of the streets to be seal coated this summer <br />and the estimated costs. This was discussed with no changes being made. <br />Mr. Karth said this was to bring the Council up to date on what is <br />being planned. <br />Mr. McLean presented the report from the Planning and Zoning Board <br />meeting of June 15, 1977. Mrs. Walter Tauer had applied for a variance <br />to split a lot on Lake Drive. The Planning and Zoning had recommended <br />approval of this split providing a legal description for each parcel <br />was provided. This information had been delivered to the Clerk's <br />office. Mr. McLean moved to approve the variance. Seconded by Mr. <br />Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The plat of Shenandoah III had been consdiered by the Board. Mr. <br />Rehbein had re- aligned the street to line up with the street in <br />Shenandoah I and have curved the street to create a more acceptable <br />plat. There are several streets platted to the North and South of <br />this land so that when the area is developed this will eliminate the <br />long cul -de -sac. After some discussion, Mr. McLean moved to approve <br />the preliminary plat with the following stipulations; 1) this must be <br />cleared with the DNR, Anoka County Highway Department, Anoka County <br />Park Board; 2) money to be accepted in leiu of land with value to be <br />comput after final approval. Seconded by Mr, Karth. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />
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