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07/11/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/11/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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July II, 1977 <br />It was suggested these people contact the City Council or the Road Department for ways and <br />means of installing a cul -de -sac. <br />Mr. Karth had no report. <br />Mr. McLean had no report from the Planning and Zoning Board. He presented a progress re- <br />port on the trailer located on Otter Lake. These persons have been contacted and will <br />be appearing at the Planning and Zoning for a special use permit for the parking of the <br />unit on that lot. <br />Also, on the Peter Scherer operations, there has not been an answer from the company with <br />an Independent lab report as requested. Mr. Scherer has informed the Clerk's Office that <br />he is not using the process. <br />Mr. McLean asked that a hearing date be set for the Ordinances as presented in conjunction <br />with the revision of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. He felt this is necessary in order <br />to make this material official. <br />Mr. Locher said this material would need to be published 10 days before the hearing, this <br />would make the earliest date the hearing could be held as August 8, 1977. Mr. McLean mo- <br />ved to set this hearing for August 8, 1977 at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schneider presented a report from the last Park Board. meeting. There had been dis- <br />cussion of work to be done on the Outlot in LaMott's Addition. There had been discussion <br />of trading this outlot for a different parcel of land. Mr. Schneider asked if there had <br />been any further discussion on this and was told, No. He asked the Clerk to contact Mr. <br />Gotwald for a recommendation on this matter. <br />A suggestion for the enlargement of the parking lot on the North side of Sunrise had been <br />done. Mr. Volk had obtained some railroad ties free and some cable and the lot had been <br />enlarged and marked. Mr. Schneider presented a drawing showing what had been done. <br />The Park Board had requested a liaison to the Planning and Zoning Board and Mr. Randy <br />Ringman had said he would serve in that position. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported that he is in the process of setting up Personnel Commission meet- <br />ings to start work on the salaries for budgetary purposes. He will keep the Council in- <br />formed. <br />Mr. Locher reported on the problem with the pumps in the Country Lakes lift station. <br />It appears the difficulty is in the control panel orignially installed and is the respon- <br />sibility of the City. Mr. Locher said this can be checked out by Fadden Pump Company and <br />he would recommend this be done in order to make that operation automatic. <br />Mr. Zelinka said the company is just across the street from his company and he would be <br />glad to stop in and talk to the men and get what information he could. <br />Mr. McLean noted the requisition for this work had no cost figures. Mr. Volk had submitt- <br />ed the requisition in order to obtain a Purchase Order Number since the pump company will <br />not offer an estimate without the number. Mr. McLean moved to authorize Mr. Zelinka to <br />either approve or dis- approve this requisition. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Zelinka said he had attended a neighborhood meeting concerned with the corner on <br />North Road and Sunset having an off -sale liquor store built there. He asked the pro- <br />cedure for a matter of this kind. Mr. McLean said it would need to be re -zoned and would <br />have to go through the Planning and Zoning Board and a public hearing would have to be <br />held. The matter would follow the usual procedure for re- zoning. <br />
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