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08/08/1977 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/08/1977 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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August 8, 1977 <br />Mr. McLean suggested delaying a decision on this matter and consider the proposal presented <br />at the last Council meeting for a flat charge per lot. Mr. McLean asked this matter be <br />considered by the Council and concluded within the next 30 days. <br />Mr. Edmundson said this is the way things are handled in Shoreview and he has no objections <br />Mr. McLean moved to study the park land changes and ordinances necessary to set this pro- <br />cedure and any plat owing money being dealt with at this time be included under this con- <br />sideration, this matter to be considered at the September 12, 1977 meeting. Seconded by <br />Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Roger Kolstad presented the hard shells for the Air Park. Mr. Locher said he had not <br />checked the abstract. Mr. Kolstad said the abstract is being brought up to date and should <br />be ready by the end of this week. After some discussion, Mr. Zelinka moved authorize the <br />Mayor and Clerk to sign the hard shells subject to-he abstract receiving the Attorney's <br />approval. <br />Mr. McLean asked that the consideration of the park land be included in this motion, this <br />plat to be considered under the above ordinance to be studied at the September meeting. <br />Mr. Locher said he will not certify the hard shell to the County Surveyor until the abstract <br />has been checked. Mr. McLean seconded themotion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kolstad requested a building permit for one lot in the Air Park. He said the owner <br />has arwrtgage committment that expires soon. Mr. Kolstad has not completed the bond for <br />the installation of the streets. It was suggested that he obtain a letter of credit or <br />a road bond for the necessary footage to reach this lot and then the building permit could <br />be issued. <br />Mr. Locher reminded the Council that the lot cannot be transferred to a new owner until the <br />plat is filed. Mr. McLean moved to have the Clerk contact Mr. Gotwald for the cost of <br />installation of the necessary footage and get the figures to Mr. Kolstad this week. Sec- <br />onded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gene Mobley, Building Inspector, was in the audience. He read a portion of a letter <br />from the PCA approving an asmosis septic system for areas where regular type systems will <br />not work. <br />He asked the Council for consideration of an Ordinance that would require all contractors <br />who operate within the boundaries of the City of Lino Lakes to be licensed and bonded. He <br />felt this is necessary to protect the home buyers. Mr. Mobley said the amount of the lic- <br />ense fee is not important, but the bonding is. <br />Mr. Mobley also requested the Council to consider a 'disclosure ordinance', relating to the <br />sale or transfer of all properties within the City. This would apply to empty land as well <br />as existing homes. <br />The Clerk was instructed to call the League of Minneosta Cities for sample ordinances on <br />these matters. Mr. Zelinka so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />These samples are to be forwarded to the Attorney and presented to the Council for consid- <br />eration. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested that a letter being written by the Building Inspector be very clear <br />and concise. He had read a couple that were not clear in their meaning. <br />1 <br />
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