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08/08/1977 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/08/1977 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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4 9 6 <br />August 8, 1977 <br />Mr. Zelinka asked about quotes on road supplies- he was concerned if these materials were <br />III <br />purchased under a contract. Mr. Karth will check with Mr. Volk on this matter. The quotes <br />for materials should be submitted with the vouchers for payment. <br />Mr. McLean had no report from the Planning and Zoning Board but would like to set up a <br />meeting with Mr. Locher, Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Short to formulate the exact wordage in an- <br />swer to the system statement. This meeting would be on Monday, August 15, 1977 at 8 :00 <br />P.M. He would then request that a special Council meeting be scheduled for Thursday, <br />August 18, 1977 for Council approve of this statement. This will enable the material <br />to be in the mails on the 19th and be received by the Metropolitan Council before the dead- <br />line of August 23rd. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried un- <br />animously. <br />There is a scheduled meeting in Forest Lake on August 17, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the Senior <br />High School regarding the election of Metropolitan Council members. Mr. McLean said he <br />has a Planning and Zoning Board meeting that evening but felt that the City should be re- <br />presented. Mr. Schneider and Mr. Zelinka said they plan to attend. Mayor Bohjanen said <br />he will try. <br />Mr. Schneider had no report from the Park Board. However, there was a meeting at the MMTC. <br />Mr. Zantek has been transferred from his position at that facility and Mr. Schneider moved <br />to write a letter of appreciation for his cooperation. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schneider also had met with Mr. Ehrmantraut of Northern Instruments on the possibility <br />of obtaining sewers for his building. Mr. Schneider had suggested that Mr. Gotwald be <br />contacted in this matter. The business is expanding and he has need for sewer services. <br />He will present his ideas to the Council by letter. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported on the meeting of the Personnel Commission held on August 1, 1977. <br />They have scheduled a meeting for August 11, 1977 to prepare a salary schedule dchedule <br />for budget consideration. <br />Three items are to be considered by this Commission; 1) overall salary recommendations; <br />2) adjustments to bring to medium range; 3) change of some job descriptions. <br />1 <br />Mr. Johnson had moved to recommend to the Council that all newly hired full time employees <br />will be subject to a 90 day probationary period at a rate of 10% less than normally paid <br />at their present skill level. This motion had been passed by the Personnel Commission. Mr. <br />Zelinka moved to approve this motion. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Personnel Commission had felt the Fire Contracts are computed by population using the <br />population of the MMTC. The Clerk is to call the Fire Chief in Lexington and check this <br />matter. If this is the case, then the City should be reimbursed for providing coverage <br />for that facility. <br />The Clerk had presented a recommendation to the Personnel Commission for changing Mrs. <br />Anderson's status from part -time to a full time employee and had also included a salary <br />recommendation. This change to be effective as of August 1, 1977. The Personnel Comm- <br />ission had considered this matter and had recommended the change of status as of August <br />1, 1977 with the 10% deducted from part -time salaries to be restored. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked how this would complare with the hourly wage of the Police Clerk and <br />was told it was lower. There was discussion on this matter. Mr. Zelinka moved to place <br />Mrs. Anderson on full -time status as of August I, 1977, restoring the 10% difference in <br />salary, for the remainder of the year 1977, this position will be discussed for 1978 at <br />
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