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01/12/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/12/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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6 <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to accept the bid of the Forest Lake Times to be our legal newspaper. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Vote Aye—Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Rosengren; <br />No—Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. L'Allier. Motion carried. The Forest Lake Times will be <br />our legal paper for 1970. <br />Mr. L'Allier made a perpetual motion on the following appointments: <br />Bonding Consultant -- Springsted, Inc. <br />Liaison to the gas utilities—Mr. William Blaylock <br />Auditor—Mr. Waldemar Hill <br />Bank Depository -- Centennial State Bank of Lexington <br />Park Board members—Mr. Norman Miller, 1 yr. term; Mr. Rayoume Houle, 2 yr. term; <br />lug. Dale Tresler, 2 yr. term; W. Harold Lehman, 1 yr. term; and Mrs. Ruth Rector, <br />3 yr. term (to replace Mr. Thiltgen who had asked to be relieved). <br />Park Supervisors- -Lino Lakes Park—Mr. C. E. LeVesseur; Sunrise Park —Mrs. Lena <br />Billik. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to confirm these appointments. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />W. L'Allier appointed Mr. Marvin B. Myhre as Senior Constable and Chief of Police; <br />Mr. Virgil Lundberg as Constable and Mr. Richard Hauer as Assistant to the Constable. <br />Planning & Zoning Commission: Messrs: John McLean (1 yr.), Glenn Rehbein (2 yrs.), <br />E. P. Jester (2 yrs.), James Husnik (2 yrs.), Arnold Kelling (1 yr.), and Ed Karth (3 yrs.) <br />Mr. L'Allier asked about Mr. Stanley. Mr. Cardinal stated that Mr. Stanley hadn't <br />been attending meetings; he had talked with Jim Hill who was willing to serve and who, <br />he felt, could bring new information since he is a civil engineer and is presently <br />taking a course on planning and related matters. Mr. L'Allier appointed'Mr. James <br />Hill (3 yrs.) to the Commission. W. Bohjanen moved to confirm these appointments. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that in the past year Mr. Jaworski had acted as liaison to the <br />Road Study Board; he would recommend and appoint Mr. Rosengren to serve in this <br />capacity in 1970. Also he wished the Village Engineer to serve as an unofficial member <br />of the Board, who should be called if the Board deemed it necessary. He appointed <br />the following as members of the Road Study Board: Mr. Al Ross, W. Lee Robinson, <br />Mr. LeRoy Houle, Mr. Dennis Houle and Mr. Gerald Bolin. Mr. Cardinal moved to con- <br />firm these appointments. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Before Mr. L'Allier could make any appointments to the Personnel Commission, Mr. <br />Jaworski stated that the Personnel Commission members had recommended that the <br />Commission be suspended until such a time as the Council feels a need for it. Mr. <br />Jaworski stated that at present there was not much need for the Personnel Commission <br />since they only review applications once or twice a year. W. Pete Scherer commented <br />that it has been a waste of time. After discussion, Mr. Jaworski thus moved that <br />the Personnel Commission be suspended until such time that the Council or interested <br />parties suggest a need for an active Personnel Commission, such as if we go into <br />full -time help, etc. Seconded by W. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen will have recommendations for the Community and Business Development <br />Commission at the next meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier then set down the responsibilities for each of the Council members: <br />Mayor -- Liaison to the Anoka County Assn. of Municipalities as an officer of <br />the board of directors, also as liaison to the legislative committee of <br />the Anoka County Assn. of Municipalities. In charge of the Civil Defense <br />and the Police Department. <br />Mr.,,Rosengren- -Head of the Road Department, liaison to the Road Study Board and <br />liaison to the Municipal Building Committee. <br />
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