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08/10/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/10/1970 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 11:58:10 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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Mr. Bohjanen stated that the Community & Business Development Commission had met and <br />that they hoped the building would be completed sooner than 135 days. November 21st <br />has been set as a goal for "open house ", but may have to be changed to a later date. <br />W. Bohjanen asked about the size of a flag pole for a 4' x 8' flag, 35 - 40' high <br />(24 -hr. day). It was decided that a pole with a 5 inch base, 2 inch top would be <br />sufficient. W. Bohjanen will check on this with Century Fence Company. <br />W. Rosengren mentioned that oiling and blacktopping had been started on Fourth <br />Avenue south and north; on Baldwin Lake the blacktopping had been mixed on the'road; <br />Linda and Laurene will be the next project. The possibility of renting a broom for <br />half a day to sweep Marshan Lane before oiling was discussed. Mr. Rosengren will <br />check with Marvin Rehbein on this matter. <br />Mr. Rosengren mentioned about filling in dirt 8 -9 ", 2' above the road at the new <br />Village Hall. The plumber will come in soon to put pipes in the ground. <br />Mr. Rosengren made a motion to have Glenn Rehbein haul fill dirt for the new Village <br />Hall, time to be approximately 2 hours. Motion seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />W. Rosengren said if the pond is left it should be maintained; it would be nice in <br />the spring to use as run -off water. W. Gotwald mentioned it could work as a catch <br />base for a parking lot, but recommended a decision be made at the time of landscaping. <br />Top soil should be moved and some seeding done this fall. <br />W. Bohjanen made a motion to rescind a previous motion to fill the pond until a <br />future date when the landscaping is completed. Seconded by Mr. Jiworski. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />The installation of a. cesspool and drain field at the Village Hall was discussed. <br />W. Rosengren moved to have the cesspool and drain field installed at the new <br />Village Hall. Seconded by W. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />The following estimate for a well was received from Ernest Ludwig: <br />100 ft. 4" casing $ 450.00 <br />Stainless steel screen 125.00 <br />95 gal. buried tank & pitless unit 350.00 <br />Yard hydrant 27.00 <br />1 h.p. submersible pump & controls 409.00 <br />Digging 50.00 <br />Wiring 85.00 <br />Total $1496.00 <br />W. Gotwald mentioned we have to be careful in considering the size of the well, <br />maximum. 6 ", keeping in mind that some day we will have a municipal system. The newer <br />requirements are that we don't even use'storage tanks and we should call'for a <br />certain rate per minute. W. Gotwald will check on wells and bids before the next <br />meeting. W. L'Allier mentioned that it wouldn't be necessary to advertize in the <br />paper if we got 3 or more persons to give us bids. <br />No bids have been received on weed cutting. Mr. Rosengren will check the price <br />with Bob Lundgren and if he wants to do this work for the same amount as last year, <br />have him do this. The Clerk should aleo check the files for last year's price. If <br />W. Lundgren will not agree to last year's fee, Mayor L'Allier knows of someone <br />else who will cut for the same amount. , <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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