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01/11/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/11/1971 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. Bohjanen -- Liaison to the Community & Business Development Commission. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to confirm these responsibilities. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen suggested the following names for the Community and Business <br />Development Commission: Crystal Ahlman,JulieFaymoville, Audrey Tauer, Vivian <br />Rehbein,Lee Robinson, Charles Gottwaldt, Irvin Zastrow, William Houle, Carlo <br />Sooger, Mary Gould and Art Robyn. Mr. Bohjanen suggested that the C&BCD meeting <br />date be changed to ,the first Thursday of ,each month at 8 P.M. Mr. Bohjanen moved <br />that the meeting date of the C&BCD be changed as suggested and that the above <br />names be approved. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that with the exception of the newspaper this was the end of <br />the offical appointments. Mr. Bohjanen asked about the change in fire chiefs. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that he prefered to see in bold letters on the brochure the <br />First Aid and Fire Numbers, with the County Sheriff's number first, then the <br />chief Constable. Mr L'Allier stated that we would get the names of the new fire <br />chiefs later. <br />. Backlin arrived with the Forest Lake Times bid; this was considered along <br />with those from the Circulating Pines and the Blaine Life. Mr. L'Allier noted <br />that they all charged the same since this is set by law. Crystal stated that since <br />we had switched tb the Forest Lake Times there is never a reporter here and <br />nothing in the paper on our meetings. She felt that the Blaine Life was widely <br />circulated in the Village and gave better coverage of the meetings. Mr. Bohjanen <br />stated that he prefered a paper which covers the Couhty news which is better than <br />one out of the County. <br />fir. Bohjanen moved to designate the Blaine Life as our official newspaper. 'There <br />was no second for the motion which died. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the Forest Lake Times to be „designated as our legal <br />newspaper for 1971. Seconded by-Mr. Rosengren. Mr. L'Allier commented that <br />perhaps's reporter of the paper had not always been present, but Mr. Cardinal had <br />spoked to Mr. Rasmussen of the Times who had promised better coverage. Mrs. Gould <br />stated that she liked the Blaine Life's coverage. Mr. L'Allier noted that ,even <br />though the Blaine Life is not our legal paper they,have been giving us very good <br />coverage. It was noted that the local paper read depended on where one lived in <br />the village. Crystal stated again that the reporter was never here. At this <br />point Mr. L'Allier called upon Peg Tester of the Times to stand up and make her <br />presence known. Mr. Bohjanen stated that this was only about the third time <br />that she had been present. Denny Houle asked whether we were looking for a legal <br />newspaper or one that covers the politics; that we should keep to the legal angle. <br />The vote on the motion to accept the Forest Lake Times was as follows: Mr. <br />Jaworski, Aye; Mr. Cardinal, Aye; Mr. Rosengren, Aye; Mr. Bohjanen, No; W. L'Allier, <br />Aye: The motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to issue cigarette licenses to the following applicants after <br />Mr. Locher had approved the applications: DeLores I. Peters, Circle —Lex V.F.W. <br />Post 6583, B.K.O., Stanly E. Thayer, Nathe Bros., Inc., Jimmy C. Aragon, Annie <br />J. Ross, and Ruth E. Freeman. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried ihanimously. <br />
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