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02/08/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/08/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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2/8/71 <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that the band would be Ron McGuire'R 3 piece outfit: he <br />had tried to use local talent as much as possible. <br />!'r. L'Allier moved to make the following change in the designation of responsi- <br />bilities of the Councilmen: Mr. Jaworski would be the alternate liaison to <br />the Anoka County Assn of Municipalities. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried <br />unanimously, <br />*fir. Gotwald stated that he had talked to Mr. Jake Tundheim concerning the bridge <br />on 80th: they will inspect it next week. ur. Gotwald had checked the truck <br />specs. The power takeoff is'not usually included in the specs for a chassis And <br />was not this time. Mr. RoRangren noted that we should have had this for the <br />plow; however,it Is not serious since we can use the other one off the old truck. <br />?fir, rotweld produced letter from Metteot Building & Supply Co. in which they <br />stated that they will Rdd four 4 -light fluorescent drop -in fixtures, like <br />the ones in the hallway on R Separate switch. The candlepower had been in- <br />sufficient from the present lighting in the chambers.' '''r. Cardinal moved to <br />authorize the installation of the light§ As proposed and authorized the <br />Clerk to sign the form. Seconded'by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gotwald noted that in the original building specs an exhaust fan in the <br />Council chambers hed been included. He had had a meeting with the T,ennox <br />people on this; they use a pressurized ventilation system with which an exhaust <br />fan would not be compatible. A °letter concerning this from T.ennox was rend, <br />It was noted that when the fan was put on continuous operation, the smoke <br />cleared out quite well. 'fir. Gotwald suggested that we wait and'see; he felt <br />that the present system is preferable to a noisy exhaust fan; also it wouldn't <br />work with the air - conditioning. The matter will be brought up in a month or <br />so; the offer to install: the fan is good for one year. <br />"r. Gotwald mentioned that another problem was the cold air return in the small <br />offices; Mattson may'put louvered openings in the doors rather then cut the <br />doors up higher. There is a leak around the fresh air intake which Mattson <br />will take care of. Mr. Jaworski noted that a large chunk of ice was forming <br />on the outside well at the junction of the overhang and the garage on the East <br />Ride; Mr. Gotwald will check. <br />Mr. Rosengren noted that the filter materiel for the furnaces comes in rolls; <br />he felt we shouldorder Some since the filters should be changed now. After <br />discussion, "r. Romengren moved to buy a'50' roll of filter materiel from <br />Johnson 'plumbing end Heating. Seconded by °Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gotwald discussed the letter which had come from the Metro Sewer'Boerd <br />indicating that the Board would put in an interceptor rather than a treatment <br />Plant for the Chomonix area. Mr. Gotwald pointed out in the third paragraph <br />of the letter where they mention,thet it was at their request that we submit <br />plans for the plant. Mr. Gotwald felt that the Sewer Board had waited to see <br />what T.ino would do; when we went ahead with the plant plans they figured that <br />an interceptor would be needed for Centerville in 2 or 3 years. Although <br />there is a big difference in cost, they would not build a plant which would be <br />discontinued ao noon. On page 2 of the letter, paragraph 1, they state that <br />the plant will be started in 1971 And completed in 1972; therefore we would <br />have no flow this year. However, Lonnie Dye of the.SB stated that considerable <br />expense would be incurred,'elso if we had built the plant this year we would <br />have had to pay for flowage. Paragraph 3 gives us a chance to contact them <br />
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