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03/22/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/22/1971 Council Minutes
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288 3/22/71 <br />Mr. David Larson, former chairman of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District before <br />its takeover by the Metro Sewer Board, was introduced by Mr. L'Allier. Mr. Larson <br />explained a joint powers arrangement by which all members of the former NSSSD and <br />neighboring municipalities would join to act as an advisory board to the Metro <br />Sewer Board. This group would be known as the North Suburban Sewer Service Board; <br />eleven communities have joined so far. Mr. Larson had been elected chairman of this <br />new group. <br />Mr. Larson stated that Joe Cook had endorsed the group and would participate in <br />its activities. There would be a $250 flat charge for each member community; the <br />balance would be apportioned according to each member's use of the sewer system. The <br />maximum apportionment for any member would be limited to 20% of the total. Each <br />member would have 1 representative and 1 vote regardless of size. Dick Sha of <br />Midland Consultants would be involved in this also. Questions were answered. The <br />Clerk was instructed to send copies of the proposed agreement to the Councilmen <br />and to put the matter on the next agenda. Mr. Larson asked that Lino Lakes send a <br />representative to the meeting to be held on March 25th in Blaine. <br />Cecil LaMotte was asked to step forward with his plat for the Third Addition. A <br />letter from George Gotwald stated that the plat conforms to the approved tentative <br />plat and fullfills the requirements of Ord. No. 21, Section 19. Mr. Gotwald <br />stated that before any building permit is allowed in Blocks 1 and 2, Mr. LaMotte <br />shall submit for approval a street grading plan and at that time a bond amout <br />should be set. After placing this plat on record the building inspector may issue <br />building permits in Block 3 since this block fronts on the completed portion of LaMotte <br />Road. A check list from the Anoka County Surveyor's office noted a few items to <br />be changed or included before they accept the final plat. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the final plat of LaMotte's Third Addition with the <br />stipulation that it complys with recommendations of the Enigneer and the County <br />Surveyor, and to authorize, upon completion of all revisions, the Mayor and the <br />Clerk to sign the hardshell copies of the plat. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion <br />carried unanimously. It was noted that a hearing which was noticed and published <br />had been held on the preliminary plat. Mr. L'Allier noted also that Mr. LaMotte <br />was a good example of a developer who abided by the requirements, who put in the <br />streets before development, etc. <br />The renewal of sign permit D1 was discussed further. Mr. Cardinal moved to table, <br />the matter until we receive proof of access in writing. Seconded by Mr, Rosengren. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that at the P&Z meeting held Mar. 17th Mr. Jerry Johnson and <br />Mr. Bud Sauter had proposed bringing Orange Street in Nordin Manor up to <br />sreeifications. Mr. Sauter had the equipment to do the work at less cost that the <br />Village could obtain bids for, and would collect from the property owners on <br />the street for the cost. The P&Z had recommended that Mr. Sauter get together <br />with the Engineer to see what will be needed; Mr. Sauter was advised to get a copy <br />of Ord. No. 210. <br />Mr, Cardinal reported that Dwayne Cardinal had requested a building permit on a <br />piece of property behind the VFW Hall. Mr. Locher noted that a variance would be <br />required since the property was a metes and bounds description and not platted. The <br />roadway (Lois Lane) was dedicated to Centerville Township; the parcel is the <br />only one left in the immediate area. Mr. Locher also noted that the builder could <br />anticipate future read assessments. Mr. Jaworski questioned whether there was no <br />provision for existing lots prior to our adoption of the code; Mr. Locher stated <br />yes, but that this lot was not on file and would require a variance. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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