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01/08/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/08/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Personnel Commission: Mrssrs: Pete Scherer, Arnold Kelling, Dennis Houle, <br />Eugene Broker and John McLean; seconded by Mr. Cardinal, carried. <br />Community and Business Development Commission (set up early in 1967 as a pre- <br />Chamber of Commerce): Mr. Bohjanen recommended that at the next <br />C&BDC meeting they would set up by -laws and offer new names. Mr. <br />L'Allier moved that Mr. Bohjanen be given authority to do as he sees <br />fit as this is not a branch of the Village govt. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski, carried with Mr. Bohjanen abstaining. <br />Mr. L'Allier set forth the responsibilities of each Councilman: <br />Mr. Bohjanen will continue to be liason to the C&BDC, the Anoka Co. Planning <br />Commission, and the Rice Creek and Coon Creek Watersheds, seconded by <br />Mr. Cardinal, carried <br />Mr. Cardinal will continue to be liason to the P&Z and alternate liason to the <br />Anoka Co. League of Municipalities, seconded by Mr. Bohjanen, carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren will continue to work with the Road Dept., to consult with the <br />Engineer and to call upon Columbus Twp. for necessary assistance. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworksi, carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski will be liason to the Park Board and the Personnel Commission. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal, carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that Mr. L'Allier be liason to the Anoka County Assoc. <br />of Municipalities, seconded by Mr. Rosengren, carried. <br />Mr. L'Allier then paid tribute to Mr. Ed Houle, who was selected as Lino Lakes' <br />"Man of the Year" for 1967. Mr. Houle was one of the earliest farmers in the area <br />and pioneered in innovating new procedures. He served for many years in local farm <br />bureaus, as town clerk and as member of the town board of Centerville Township, as <br />assessor for Lino Lakes and also as weed inspector for several years, a post which <br />requires passing a State exam yearly. <br />Mr. L'Allier made several comments and suggestions for the coming year: <br />Police Dept.: Beginning in February, regular meetings, open to the public, <br />held between the mayor and the police officers for the purpose of the police <br />dept. and citizens to discuss police protection as well as provide suggestions. <br />Planning and Zoning Board: Objectives: <br />1. Revision of Ord. # 30 to safeguard against moving of unsightly bldgs into <br />the Village. <br />2. Revision of bldg Ord. # 21, Section 4, to insure that any contractor <br />building a housing project within the Village must allocate a given <br />per centage of the land for park purposes or the equivalent in money <br />for same. <br />3. Completion cif the Proposed Thoroughfare Map. <br />4. Complete review of all planning and zoning ordinance regulations. <br />5. Complete review of all existing zoning in the Village in conjuction with <br />the rezoning of industrial areas along the new freeways and an <br />industrial park. <br />6. Preparation of a comprehensive zoning map showing existing zoning. <br />7. Tracings made of both the thoroughfare & zoning maps so they may be <br />duplicated for prospective contractors and businessmen. <br />8. Having the P&Z Board, working in conjunction with the atty and Engineer, <br />outline on three plat maps the Village streets, dedicated roadways <br />and cartways. <br />Civil Defense: the CD Director has agreed to take the necessary courses donducte <br />thru the Minn. CD, the Dept. of Army & the U of M, to make him eligible for <br />certification. At next CD meeting the CD and its auxiliary will be asked to <br />work on an overall community shelter program; also, the Council will be asked <br />to consider a salary of $25 per month for CD Director. <br />
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