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06/24/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/24/1968 Council Minutes
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Last modified
12/23/2014 12:32:53 PM
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12/23/2014 12:24:38 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />There was a complaint that Marvin Rehbein's ten -yard trucks were hauling on <br />80th. Also a complaint that farmers were putting rocks on the road on the east <br />county line. Morris Carlson complained about water on his property due to re- <br />placing a culvert on 80th. W. Rosengren will check. <br />A letter from Milner W. Carley & Assoc. was read giving itemized cost estimated <br />for improving Bald Eagle Boulevard, Rolling Hills Drive and 64th Street. The <br />letter also stated that after an inspection of streets in the Lakeview area it <br />was determined that they did not warrant a seal coat for 1968, but they recom- <br />mended some routine maintnance work in this area. After much discussion of <br />whether the Village should improve these roads at cost to all taxpayers or to <br />assess local residents, W. Bohjanen moved that we have the engineer discuss <br />these at the next meeting. Seconded by W. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Visitors in the audience included Francis Burque and Robert LaMotte, Mr.La- <br />Motte presented a fire contract for 1968 to the Council stating that they planned <br />no future changes. W. Jaworski moved to renew the contract for 1968 on the <br />same basis as previously. Seconded by W. Cardinal. Carried. <br />W. Cardinal was instructed to talk to Mr. Rogalia about payment for the special <br />use permit. <br />W. Jaworski moved that we accept the application from Jerome Hauer for on -sale <br />and dancing licenses with the stipulation that he provide a bond, proof of in- <br />suraneeā¢ including a ten -day notification clause and the fee. Seconded by W. <br />Bohjanen. Carried. <br />W. Bohjanen moved to accept the application of Henry J. Speiser for off -sale <br />3.2 beer. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />W. Locher discussed the case Of the three boys who had broken into the Village <br />Hall-in December stating that the case of the one who pled not guilty was dis- <br />missed due to the testimony of the other boys that he had not been involved. <br />The Clerk stated that the two boys, James Wood and Chuck Vahl, had paid the <br />amount of $171.86 as full restitution for damages. <br />W. L'Allier asked the P&Z members to be present at the regular July 8 meeting <br />to hear W. Robert Eidem, State Planning agent, speak on the Federal 701 Program. <br />A letter from Duane Redepenning of the Anoka County Highway Department, con- <br />cerning W. Harold Hansen's road was read. The Clerk was instructed to write a <br />letter of transmittal to W. Redepenning sending him a copy of the letter re- <br />cently sent to W. Hansen giving him the status of his roadway. Copies will <br />be made of this transmittal letter for the Council. <br />It was brought to the attention of the Council that the assessor was having <br />difficulty in locating new homes. Therefore, the building inspector was in- <br />structed to give Mrs. Sarner a copy of all new building permits or the equivalent <br />information. <br />Due to two serious accidents at the intersection of Highway 8 and 326 on the 19th <br />and 21st of June, W. Eaworski moved that we write to the state engineer indic- <br />ating that we want them to put up 'no passing'signs south of the bridge and also <br />to put up a street light on 326 when lights are put in for the freeway. Seconded <br />by W. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />
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